You Create Your Own Reality

You form your own reality

Do you know what is reality, what is truth and what is a lie?

According to the philosopher Immanuel Kant, “We can only recognize in things the qualities that we ourselves have given them.” With this sentence, Kant makes a Copernican translation, a real thinking revolution that challenges our vision and experience of the world.  According to Kant, there is no absolute reality, for every human being is an active factor in reality and transforms reality according to their own experience. 

According to Kant, we can understand knowledge only if we admit that we understand phenomena, not things in themselves. Because of Kant’s groundbreaking theories, we understand that we are active subjects in our own experience of the world and reality. There is no single reality that affects us as passive subjects, and we are not unwilling slaves to our own circumstances.

We create our own experience

We are the masters and hosts of things that happen to ourselves: every experience has a beginning and a cause, every experience is the result of our thoughts, our mental state, and the attitude we choose to take in every situation we face.

You may have already experienced a situation where how open you are to new ideas and thoughts will greatly affect what kind of experiences you have in your life: negative or positive, useful or harmful. Depending on our own openness and what we focus on, we will continue to attract certain kinds of experiences to us, as our own energy invites a certain kind of energy.

The same phenomenon happens on an internal level: we can lose our strength and get sick easily if our thoughts lead us to conclude that we are mere hand puppets moved by the world and that we have no power over our own affairs.

When we are constantly accumulating uncomfortable experiences, it does not mean that the world has turned against us; but it means that in some way we sabotage our own experience through our energy, behavior, and thoughts.

Experiences are not inherently bad or good, but are given meaning and value by man. The value of experiences varies from person to person, and some situation that one person finds difficult does not look the same to someone else. You have certainly noticed this before in your life. We have the power to interpret our experiences so that we can move forward, evolve, and intensify, or attach ourselves to things that destroy us.

We are not slaves to our thoughts and feelings

Many people think that we can control our thoughts and dedicate ourselves to our emotions so that they do not stop and paralyze.

Our thoughts often remain rooted in the things they are used to. The neural networks become stronger and activate automatically, causing negative and disgusting thoughts before every situation if we have reinforced this attitude ourselves. The reaction of the brain reflects our own experience.

As soon as we stop paying attention to what is happening to us and why, we end up as slaves to our own thoughts, for we imagine that we will not be able to escape our own thoughts or change our own attitudes. We just imagine we are certain types of people who don’t have a say in our own personality. This leads to a more efficient way of thinking, as it reinforces existing perceptions, and change becomes difficult.

Often we do not sacrifice enough energy for what we want to achieve, the results are not what we would like and because of this we wonder why in the world we cannot get what we want. Why does all evil always hit us?

We may be caught in this vicious circle where we lose all our strength and ability to change; not because the situation leads to it, but because our own reaction to the situation is flawed.

When you become aware that you are in control of your own reality and that you are not just an involuntary and powerless part of the world, you will be able to change your attitude, thoughts, and feelings to be more positive. Only we ourselves have the ability to change ourselves. At the same time, our mental state changes and we adapt to different experiences, how we live and how we incorporate what we learn into our past experiences.

There are no bad and good feelings: there are only the necessary reactions we experience. Our emotions are signs of what is happening to us, and encountering and developing emotions helps us better understand ourselves.

When you understand this, your feelings will be released, energy will flow, and you will understand reality from just the right angle. Don’t bottle up your emotions even if you experience them as negative or inappropriate, as this will give them more power, increase their intensity and create a mental imbalance. Face all your feelings, recognize them and let go of them.

We build our own reality, give it shape and we are the Architects of our own experience. Are you ready to take on such a responsibility? Whether you are aware of it or not, you are the creator of your own reality and the controller of your own existence, for your experience of reality is conveyed through your own senses and thoughts.

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