You Are A Blacksmith Of Your Own Happiness

You are the blacksmith of your own happiness

So many of us seek happiness endlessly; we have become obsessed with finding happiness, but in reality we don’t have a very good idea of ​​what it actually is. Happiness is a space where we would all like to find ourselves.

What is happiness really? 

First of all, in order to figure out what happiness really is, we need to ask ourselves the following question:  What does happiness mean to me? The answer can, after all, be quite complex and full of a variety of subtle nuances, and is completely unique to each person.

Happiness is not something that comes from outside and it does not depend on the circumstances around us. Rather, happiness springs from us and is determined by how we live our lives through different experiences.

If we live our whole lives believing that our happiness depends entirely on external factors such as the different situations we face in our lives, how we can raise more money, make our children better people, get a better job or a balanced relationship, we will  constantly look for something we miss and not even note that happiness has nothing to do with any of the above.

We can always find happiness in ourselves. It is not something that comes from outside; it is simply a matter of realizing that our happiness does not depend on what we have but on who we are. This means that we must learn to love ourselves, accept ourselves, and live in harmony and harmony with ourselves. These are the keys to happiness that can already be found inside us, whatever the situation.

Our attitude toward life changes as we become aware that personal satisfaction is not at all as volatile as what is often believed of us.  It doesn’t constantly depend on what’s going on around us.

We ourselves have the  power to choose how we want to experience things in our lives. We can achieve greater harmony and take more responsibility for our own happiness. In other words, we are blacksmiths of our own happiness. It is not that we should embrace more positive experiences than negative experiences; it is about learning to integrate all of these experiences into life’s great lessons. Each experience is useful and important in its own way.

Happiness sells

It is very common to see happiness as something that depends on our environment; in this way we have been taught to approach happiness. That is why the tyranny of  happiness really exists.

We try to trade happiness in a  variety of ways. We are told how we should live our lives, how we should behave, and what we should have in order for the whole to be perfect. The media and politics are taking advantage of all this and have taken it upon themselves to spread the idea that the more things we own, the happier we become.

Their message is that we need to constantly feel positive feelings and live our lives in some kind of ideal bubble that has nothing to do with reality. Because of this, we feel frustrated and, worse, lose touch with ourselves.

The endless pursuit of happiness outside of ourselves  causes us to distance ourselves from ourselves and from the feeling of happiness that is inherent in us.

Anyone who draws satisfaction from what they have and what they are able to achieve will end up losing themselves anyway, for all of this is just behind the scenes and far from authenticity. They are very disappearing things. Those that are not really needed to achieve satisfaction. They are unreal needs that we have invented for ourselves. 

And the more we own, the more we want to own. From this idea comes Aurelius Augustinus ’famous saying:  “ A person who owns more is not richer than others, but needs others less, ”  which refers to happiness.

All of this depends on external factors, which means constantly putting ourselves into slavery.

Happiness depends on the person himself

We need to understand that we will not become any happier by achieving more things; more money, more power and more praise. Namely, happiness has nothing to do with ambition.

We need to understand that we do not become any happier when we experience feelings of pleasure, for seeking a sense of satisfaction through the body also does not make us feel any better in reality.

All such things make life superficial and meaningless. They represent a person who is in constant dormancy and lives in a materialistic world.

It is important to understand that happiness has much more to do with the psychological than the physical side. It requires a higher state of consciousness, encountering oneself and discovering and awakening to what really matters.

We can achieve this if we learn to listen to ourselves and our real needs. We must also detach ourselves from everything around us, which gets us stuck in a constant spiral that feeds a sense of dissatisfaction, where we are constantly striving to pursue things that do not make us happy, however.

Buddha Gautama says, “There is pleasure and there is bliss. Give up the first to achieve the latter. ”

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