“Yes I Can ” Generation

However, the doors of the labor market were suddenly slammed shut and even these children returned to school, almost guided by habit and nonetheless what kind of jobs they would get; it simply didn’t matter, they just wanted to continue their studies. Unemployed and without experience in the world of work when you didn’t want them anymore.

A generation that doesn’t have unnecessarily many opportunities

This is partly the reason we have ended up with the best-prepared generation in history. And while this may seem contradictory, it is also, in the light of history, the most academically most successful generation.

We have a whole  generation of young people who – amazingly – have fully accepted all the obstacles and demands that companies place on them before choosing them for their workforce. In this way, we have ended up with a situation where we have waiters working in cafes who speak five different languages ​​or are proficient in the C ++ programming language, as well as doctors of quantum physics filling the shelves of grocery stores.

Today, we also have new types of apprentices (and apprentices) called trainees who help companies grow. They are qualified, motivated and low paid people. And in a large number of cases, they mean state aid and prestige to the companies in which they work. After all, we can’t say they’re at work here, because then we’d have to fill out different declarations for them from the employer, right?

Of course, there are exceptions. Generalization inherently ignores these. If only there were more exceptions in the form of companies that offer serious, specialized and well-paid training, on which there would still be a job offer while the training period is over.

If only there were more companies than at present who understand that trainees and apprentices who bear their share of responsibility are the factors of the future. This is where you should invest. But the world only taught us that if we were good and worked hard at school, a whole world of possibilities would still be open to us sometimes.

We believe this and then realize it was a lie.  Indeed, all possibilities are reserved for the boss’s friend, that is, the one who has spent his time making friends with that “real” person.

Hope for this generation

I think this generation of young people deserves good opportunities. They deserve them because they have accepted the hard rules of this game called life. 

Because, in general, they know there aren’t many opportunities, and they still go looking for them. Because they did not accuse previous generations of causing them to lose hope or condemn them unnecessarily harshly.

We discuss a whole bunch of educated and very energetic young people. They rush to work in the morning, another evening, and at the same time still work on their master’s degree. So let’s talk about a generation that has had better access to technology than any generation before. This is the generation to which the idea of ​​seeking stability to start a family has been sold, which is no longer really easy.

It is because of this that  even though we could show that this younger generation has a lot of flaws, we cannot claim that they are laughing at work or looking for opportunities. We cannot claim that they would not be willing to sacrifice time, friendships, and even relationships to move to a foreign city where they have more freedom of movement.

Things may have been better in many ways before, but staying in the past means seeing only one part of reality. And this is not fair to the moment, because we are all living right today.

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