Without Borders You Will Not Hear Praise Or Apology

Without borders, you will not hear praise or apology

Do not set limits on your suffering. Stretch it so far that it extends all the way to the highway, just to turn back towards you. Be careful, it has a very strong boomerang effect! It will come back to stifle you, make you guilty, stop you. Do not place restrictions on the people around you. Please wife, perfect worker.

Stretch your patience to the extreme. We have been taught to think that sacrifice is always a virtue, even if it means ignoring our lives and desires. You can choose this. Don’t set boundaries, but know you’ll never hear the phrases “thank you” or “I’m sorry”. People get used to seeing you in a certain role. They don’t think you deserve respect for everything you do, the purpose that lies behind your personal suffering.

If you tolerate things and words that hurt you, full of bad intentions, attacks, abuses, and omissions, you will become the perfect prey for all kinds of predators.

The cost of not setting limits

No one accuses you of suffering abuse. But some people who have gone through a lot think they are just punching bags.

You think so at least when you are simply unable to find the forces to move forward. You can always let your last breath and rage hide behind your sighs. You can also give one last effort so that someone else will be able to achieve their goal.

the head is a ball

No one accuses you of having reached a state of emotional poverty where your environment has swallowed even the last traces of magic and creativity. But, if you’re still alive enough to see your situation, you may still be able to take a step back and stop certain situations.

You may still have time to sever ties with certain relationships and root them. You may find yourself at that awesome point on your path where you know no one is coming to save you. However, you are already aware that you do not need to be saved. You still have time to go through “ integration ” with the nature around you. Social detoxification that is rich in vitamins and free of human oxidizing additives.

The importance of setting boundaries

There is no shortage of psychopaths in this world. Unfortunately, psychopaths are sometimes incredibly hard to spot. Only opaque shadows with perverted features may be visible from psychopaths. As unfair as it sounds, strong people are often treated less favorably than psychopaths.

You pay a high price if you simply don’t know how to set boundaries. The cost will only increase if we refuse to see reality. So, when we don’t know how to detect crimes and / or face them in time. Fear of creativity, criticism, and shame is the best ally for those who do not hesitate to make your weakness their armor to dampen the blows of life.

Our world can accommodate a wide variety of people, as well as a wide variety of complex interpersonal relationships. It is impossible to understand why some act a certain way and others do not. If everyone stuck to the script or the divine plan, everything would surely be more gracious and sensible!

Some interpersonal models seem to repeat themselves over and over again. We watch them, fight for them, and suffer for them. Typical of these models is a communication system where someone is always left without sound. Relationship models where one cannot set boundaries, even if it means constant misfortune.

They are human relationships in which another person denies their right to think first of themselves. If you don’t set limits on demands, unwanted statements, and bad habits, you’ll never get the slightest compliment.

Never expect to hear “I’m sorry” or “thank you” from someone who crossed the boundaries of mental abuse with you a long time ago. These words of courtesy and gratitude will be directed at someone else. To someone who, perhaps doing nothing, has already earned the top of the iceberg all the respect.

wallpaper faces

It may be that now is a good time to unify your skin. Allow yourself to be the first person you consider in your plans and the first person you want to make happy. You can still give a lot of surprises. Can set limits on your resilience. Forbid turning the other cheek on the world and place metal posts on your borders as well as your restrictions. Never expect to hear “I’m sorry” or “Thank you” from someone who let you fall on your knees so they can stand. They don’t deserve it.

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