Wishful Thinking: You See What You Want

Wishful thinking: you see what you want

We constantly make decisions about our work and relationships, but do you think they all make sense and are logical? Sometimes we don’t realize that our own wishful thinking has a big impact on our decisions.

When you crave something, like reaching a goal or seeing a house that you didn’t get out of your mind, you send a message to your brain. This message suggests that you are missing something. This desire affects every decision you make after that.

So what happens to reality? It changes the way you want it to be and makes you think that everything is going according to your plans. It is not difficult to see how many problems this can cause, not only in human relationships but also at work. Reality is what it is and no matter how you would like to see it through the eyes of others, it will not change.

Thought becomes a slave to desire

It may sound extreme, but the  idea becomes a slave to the desires of the mind,  especially if it is a truly great desire. When that happens, as sensibly as you think you’re thinking in a situation where you’re making a decision, that’s not the case. You no longer see reality as it really is; you see it the way you want to see it.

Wishful thinking is based on illusion and fantasy. As such, it doesn’t matter what actually happens. If you follow the wrong path, if people don’t treat you well, if you make mistakes, you won’t see any of them because you form an image of a different world. One that you imagine and that you make real in your mind.

hands in a flower bush

Despite the fact that wishful thinking can be a form of motivation,  it can also become a way to avoid a situation you don’t like. For example, imagine that you are in a relationship where everything is bad. You want everything to be the same as before, when everything was better. In your mind you remember the times when happiness reigned. Bring these memories to the present and imagine that the relationship is similar now.

Reality can be very painful, and that’s why we subconsciously try to run it away.

You live in a world of imagination even if it is not your intention and you are not aware that you are closing your eyes to what is happening. So you’re pretending. You end up focusing on yourself, your own desires, and you forget others. This causes serious problems.

The traps of wishful thinking

You must understand that  wishful thinking never arises from reality; it arises from what you want to happen. You need to be realistic to avoid falling into certain traps that can contribute to serious problems in your life. Here are some examples:

  • You focus on the goal and not the process. This prevents you from seeing the mistakes you make and what you do wrong. If you don’t improve your habits, things won’t end well. The thing you coveted so much can work against you.
  • You don’t make sure it’s what you want possible to accomplish. When you have a goal or dream, the first thing you need to do is make sure it is possible to achieve so that your efforts are not in vain and you avoid disappointment. Wishful thinking prevents you from making such an assessment and allows you to dedicate resources to goals that are not within your reach.
  • You get frustrated and deceived. Wishful thinking brings you to life in a world of imagination. It means that when you have to stay in reality, you get frustrated and deceived. However, if your desire is strong enough, you will prolong the situation. And this situation is slowly exhausting you.

Sooner or later, reality will reveal itself, and it will be much more cruel and bitter.

If you live in this world of imagination for too long, there will come a time when you will no longer be able to distinguish between what is true and what is not. There will be moments in your relationships when others try to open your eyes. Reality slaps you in the face and makes you sad, and you don’t go back to the same world of imagination to be better.

You find yourself in a real world that you can’t escape no matter how you want to. If you don’t open your eyes, other people and situations will do it for you. However, it’s better if you open them yourself if you don’t want that dream you’ve been dreaming of for so long, a lie you thought was true, tearing you to pieces.

Wishful thinking is very nice. You like it; that’s exactly where you want to be. But it also turns you into a coward who runs away from reality and everything you don’t want to accept.

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