Why Do Some People Like Horror Movies?

Why do some people like horror movies?

Where does the enjoyment of fear experienced by man come from? What if we look at the words of the famous scientist and psychologist,  Arthur Westermayr : ” Fear has been treated with contempt since the beginning of human thought. ” If this claim is true, why do so many people like fear?

Perhaps there is no genuine and completely certain answer to this. In any case, we try to locate the roots of this single feeling. Not when you go!

The pleasure of controlled fear

We begin by referring to the testimony of sociologist Margee Kerr, who also works permanently in Pittsburgh, USA, in an attraction called the  House of Terror . For him, the  key lies in control.

Man and ghost

What management does Kerr refer to? The answer is simple. Whenever the human brain experiences fear in an environment where there is no danger, a physiological reaction can be really fun, resulting in the enjoyment experienced in situations like this.

In this statement, Kerr adds that, in fact , coping with a situation that leads  to high stress in our brains leaves behind fragments of self-confidence,  as well as an absolutely enviable feeling. This is a special blend that allows our brains to enjoy non-experiential facts that should be  negative.

What exactly is fear?

Do we know what fear actually is? It is usually explained as  a series of emotions related to a series of psychological events that hint at potential dangers, stress, or individual negative situations.

pleasure of fear

These are, in fact,  several systems, each of which is activated physiologically and through behavior in threatening  situations. This all happens very quickly. After the first glance, our brain is already aware of the type of fear it has aroused in us.

Most obviously, if our brains interpret a fear like the one we face as a controlled situation, it can be enjoyable. This applies, for example, to  horror movies, carnivals, Halloween celebrations…

If, on the other hand, our brains sense fear that is not related to a controlled situation, such as the possible death of a loved one, robbery, etc., you can be sure that there is no pleasure associated with the situation, and that the genuine and uncontrollable horror of the mind and body is strong.

A conditionally scary state

Can a person be conditioned to suffer horror ? If we take into account the “ Conditioned Emotional Reactions ” experiment conducted by Rosalie Rayner and John Watson in 1920 , we can conclude that this is possible.

In the above experiment, the  researchers created a phobia in a boy about nine months old. In fact, the study described step by step how they conditioned fear in the boy. Today, an experiment like this would be considered unethical, but despite its gloom, it has created a light around this phenomenon.

The results would seem to suggest that  our brains can be conditioned to fully experience fear. This fear, in turn, experienced within the framework of control, is extremely rewarding for many people.

Physiological responses to fear

Positive or negative responses to fear can be understood through psychological reactions in our brains. We are able to interpret and understand this feeling in relation to the stimuli received.

the boy is afraid

Our limbic system, from the depths of our temporal lobe, is found in the amygdala. This subcortical structure is responsible for determining whether there is a “fear of pleasure” or a “genuine fear”.

We can act in different ways in a situation where this feeling manifests. We may want to run, attack, escape… In any case, our bodies respond to fear by releasing adrenaline and raising cortisol and blood sugar levels.

Is this tremendous change in our body normal? In fact, if you are in a controlled environment and your mind knows for sure that there is no danger of any kind, it is an immense pleasure for the whole body. You will enjoy without interruption from any real threat.

So now you know. If everything is under control, the enjoyment of fear can serve as an aid in improving your mood.  It’s one way to give your brain an  impact that provides them with the substances it loves to eat, without harm.

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