Where There Are Tears, There Is Hope

Where there are tears, there is hope

Where there are tears, there is hope. Everything that hurts us and changes us also makes us grow and fight. Things that make us disappoint teach us the value of a smile, love, and good moments. In the same way, we can learn from bad moments and find the strength we need to change them.

Where there are tears, there may also be a motivation to change and find something better. There is no better fuel than that which arises from deep sorrow. The kind of grief that soaks through the bones and makes us breathe. The lowest moments in our lives precede the best changes. The fear and uncertainty we feel before we jump, compared to what we will find on the other side.

Where there are tears, there is the strength of character. There is a real feeling coming straight from the heart. Therefore, tears begin to flow. Every tear is a small effort, a way to reach the bottom. When we get to the bottom, we can find a force that motivates us to build something better.

Where there are tears, there is life

Where there are tears, there flows life within us. This gives us hope to continue the fight for something better. Remember that just as water gives us life, tears help us find the power we have in our hearts.

tears and birds

That is why grief is a necessary part of life. We need it to understand our own value. Tears are not like a rain hitting a rock, tears do not consume our innermost being. Instead, they give us the courage we need to see the sun after a storm.

Rainbows are created in storms. The most beautiful things in life, the ones we remember best, are the ones that seemed impossible after feeling that kind of grief. But those same things are the ones that come, for we did not give up during the storm.

We must learn to get out from under our umbrella, tear ourselves apart, cry and shout, and express all that is compelled. We need to gather strength from our feelings and liberate our inner selves. There is nothing wrong with being human, and there is nothing wrong with expressing our feelings. 

Where there are tears, there is an opportunity to learn

For there is nothing wrong with expressing our feelings, why not take advantage of that opportunity and achieve something from them? We would surely be surprised at what we are able to do as we get to know ourselves and listen to our pain.

Nothing is ever what it seems. A smile may hide behind deep grief. Opportunities, dreams, and happiness can hide behind tears. Let us not allow impressions to sweep our feet from under us, and let us not be overwhelmed by misfortune.

sad woman

Let us learn to listen to our tears and gather strength from them. Let’s learn to look for the change we miss so much. Let us interpret the purpose of our tears to find what is really bothering us. And when we find out, let’s remove it from our lives.

Let us not forget that we always have a shoulder against which we can cry when we need to express ourselves. We will always have a pair of hands that can embrace and love us. And always after bad storms, there are moments of calm and time to think. Where there are tears, there is hope. Behind every reason to cry is an open door waiting to change your life.

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