When Someone Hugs You With Their Eyes

When someone hugs you with their eyes
I like people with a special ability to embrace me with their eyes. They may be quite quiet and say nothing, but they will still see through my most difficult moments. It’s amazing how they express so much with their gaze. They don’t demand anything from me or put pressure on me. They’re just standing next to me.

They are people who feel at home. It’s like they have magic, and a heart so big it doesn’t fit on their chest. They know how to calm down and help fly and spread light. They are good and inspiring, but what really sets them apart is their love for other people.

I admire them. They are my role model and what I value most in life.

the boy carries the moon

Magical people who embrace you with their eyes

I like their magic. They have the ability to bring peace, inspiration and a sense that every moment we spend together is special. They are considerate, polite, and they are vigilant and respectful.

Even though they are masters of wordless language, they always use their words at the right time. They never say too much or too little. Their words are like a seed that they plant in man. They give them to you so that a beautiful flower begins to grow inside you: self-esteem. But it only thrives when you water your soul and take care of yourself.

This is exactly their magic. They have this ability to do amazing things from simple and humble starting points. But they also never reveal their secret: inner wisdom.

Their best strategy is to use silence to create emotions, heal wounds, and show others how to do the same. They also know when it’s right to hug you if you feel depressed. Being close to them is like being sheltered because they wear an invisible cloak of peace and security that is sewn with love.

Skillful to brighten cloudy days

People who embrace you with their eyes are not special just because they have magic. There is something in the light they bring that sets them apart from others. They radiate goodness that shines miles and miles away. Even with your eyes closed, you can feel it because it is so powerful.

They are experts at detecting other people’s cloudy days. These are the days when you won’t find any joy, your motivation is gone and grief takes over. Even if they never promise you rainbows or anyone will look happy, they will listen to you. So you feel heard, considered and understood. They make you feel loved.

heart in hand

These are people who shine light when it’s dark, but never force you to shine. They understand that everyone needs help on cloudy days, so they give you all the light they have.

They have a lot of patience and they are good at giving you room to make mistakes. They are so good at feeling empathy for other people that it almost feels like they are from another planet.

They have a special skill to connect, build trust and invest in other people. Just look into their eyes to notice it. “I’m here” or “don’t worry” are two things that their eyes always tell.

They will never do anything to stop you

They are always there when you need them, but they never do anything to stop you from growing. So they are never overprotective or tell you to run away, or avoid things. They think that once you have reached balance, you need to move on.

The people who embrace you with their eyes are guaranteed to be unforgettable.  If you have them in your life, the best thing you can do is care about them, give them your time, and of course appreciate what they do.

For even if they had infinite affection, they too should get it back. You have to take care of the people who take care of you because they deserve it and need it too.

Thank you lovely, magical people. Thank you for giving us a real treasure by spending time with us.

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