What’s Wrong With You? Reasons Why You Don’t Know How You Feel

What's wrong with you?  Reasons why you don’t know what you’re feeling

It is common to feel confused about one’s own feelings. If you don’t know what’s bothering you and what you’re feeling in certain situations, it’s not because you have a problem or something is wrong. This phenomenon is much more common than what people think, which is why you should not feel bad about it.

However, there is something you can do to fix this. Knowing why you are sometimes blind to your own feelings will help you understand what is bothering you and how you should act to improve your well-being. There are some guidelines you can follow to better understand what you are feeling at any given moment.

First of all, it is important to note that many people do not know how they feel because they do not know how to interpret physical signals.  We usually think that different emotional states and physical sensations mean the same thing. All emotions originate from physical cognition. This means that you know what is happening to you or not, you can be aware of the emotional state because it affects you physically.

Why don’t you sometimes know what you’re feeling

There are various reasons why you don’t know what you’re feeling or what’s going on inside of you. Sometimes this feeling of detachment can make you frustrated or make you feel empty. You need to be aware that this too is a feeling in itself.

Next, we’ll look at a simple explanation for why you sometimes don’t know what’s bothering you. This explanation will help you better identify your feelings, manage them more effectively, and live more aware of your feelings.

What's wrong with you?  Cloud in hands

1. Feeling is involved in the process

When you start to feel a feeling, it is not always easy to recognize it. A physical reaction (body equivalent) may be confusing or may not be recognizable as a result of an emotional state.

Sometimes the emotional reaction is so surprising that we don’t understand what’s going on. This is the moment when knowing that we are experiencing a feeling is almost as important as recognizing the feeling itself.

2. Emotions are mixed up

If you sometimes don’t know what you feel when there’s only one emotion inside, Imagine how complicated it is when there are two or more emotions. This can lead to a complex mix of a number of confusing emotions at once.

Such an emotional conflict can lead to distress and confusion. You don’t know what’s going on inside of you. For example, when you feel pain and anger at the same time, the emotions can be so intense that they can paralyze you and make you feel helpless.

3. You cannot verbally express how you feel

Sometimes what you feel is a jumble of emotions that you are unable to express in verbal ways. It may be that there is no suitable word for it at all or at least no expression in your language.

In this case, separating your emotions into basic lessons can help.

4. You will experience this feeling for the first time

It is common to feel confused when you experience a feeling for the first time. It can even scare you. You may even make the mistake of thinking it into some other feeling.

Fortunately, this is solved by experience. The more times you experience an emotion, the easier it is for you to recognize it.

anxious man

5. You are completely separated from your feelings

Dissociation can occur for a number of different reasons. It is very likely that you repelled your feelings in the past as a defense or defense mechanism. This combat will not let you see what you are feeling at the moment.

Usually, this begins with an effort not to feel negative emotions. This trend continues to evolve to the point where you can no longer feel anything.

How to gain more understanding of what is bothering you and what you are feeling

The first thing you need to do is get in touch with your feelings and become aware that they exist and let them come to the fore. While this is not always easy, sometimes it is as easy as breathing. All you have to do is let your thoughts flow freely. If it is too difficult for you, meditation or a conscious presence can help in this situation.

Getting connected to our feelings requires that we get in touch with ourselves. If this proves too difficult, you can always ask for help. Sometimes all we need is support to reconnect with our feelings.

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