What Is The Difference Between Sincerity And Sincere Murder?

What is the difference between sincerity and sincere murder?

Is telling the truth always a good thing? Do we really appreciate it when people are honest with us? When is sincerity and when is sincere murder? When we use the term murder of sincerity, we are talking about telling the truth carefree, without boundaries, and without thinking at all about what the other person feels or wants. In addition to this, using sincerity without thinking at all can lead to unnecessary harm.

It is best to use truth to help people and sincerity to build, and never to destroy or overthrow others. We must always keep in mind that truth is a powerful weapon, and we must have empathy and social intelligence to use it properly.

And even if we don’t tell lies when we commit a murder of sincerity, even if we tell the truth when we do this without thinking of another person or just to unload the burden from our shoulders, we don’t help him or use the truth as we should. What we do is express an objective reality that hurts another person when we reveal the truth at the wrong time.

So does this mean that we have to lie to people to avoid hurting them? The answer is not as simple as telling the truth or a lie. There are certain times when the truth is not helpful, or when it only makes things worse. The best we can do is express what ever we want to say, but by being sensitive. We need to find the right moment and context, and figure out what is the best way to express our thoughts.

telling the truth to another

What happens to my brain when I lie?

A study published in the journal Nature Neuroscience  tells us that  when we lie, our almond nucleus (the part of the brain that is active when we lie) “starts” less and less the more we tell lies. Telling lies time and time again numbs our brains.

So we can conclude that when we tell lies, our brains relax and get used to telling lies. But our goal is not to lie, but our goal is to learn to choose and communicate the truth. Our social relationships won’t last long if we don’t put some sort of filters on what we say. It doesn’t matter if the thing we are communicating is based on reality.

As we have mentioned, sincerity does not increase our abilities in any way, nor does it emphasize our self-esteem, or help us improve our social relationships in any way. But what really helps us is sensitivity. There are certain truths that we need to convey with a feather-light tact. And then there are truths that we need to keep within us until the right time. There are truths that we must never share with others because they are not important, and truths that we must share little by little so that the person has enough time to digest all the information.

friends laugh together

Is telling the truth always a good thing, or is it a murder of sincerity?

Psychologist Claudia Castro Campos conducted a study on lying, and she obtained surprising results. He showed that people tell at least one or two lies during the day. And it doesn’t matter if these lies are small or big, the point is that we use lies to shape reality for our own good.

There is a saying that drunk people and children never lie. This is because our brain’s blocking and censorship systems relax, and this is common to both children and people who are drunk. For adults, it doesn’t have exactly the same purpose as for children, because in children, these systems are still in development, but our society and brain capacities prepare us to hide the truth or stamp a happy face on the truth to soften its impact.

People with good social skills are the ones who know how to be sincere without hurting others. It is not a matter of lying, but of conveying the matter in the right way. Such a person does not strive to be the most sincere person of all, but strives to convey the truth in the best possible way. It is best to be faithful to ourselves without forgetting the harm we can do to others. Truth, communicated intelligently and with good intentions, is always lucrative.

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