What Is Midorexia?

What is midorexia?

Age, and how we perceive it, whether we felt older or younger than we really are, affects our way of thinking and behaving. Midorexia manifests as a crisis of self-esteem that makes a person strive to protect their youth.

According to Daniela Carrasno, a professor at Diego Portales University, midorex does not appear in isolation. Instead, it manifests itself in environments that encourage it. 

Due to the judgmental nature of Western society, this disorder most often occurs in women in their 40s and 50s. They try to relive their youth, and as a result, they pay a lot of attention to what they look like, for example.

Midorexia and leisure activities

Midorex makes a person protect their youth as much as possible. This attitude encourages them to make changes in their lives that are not just about their appearance.

Therefore, people with midorexia may make plans that include people younger than themselves. For example, they may go to certain restaurants and bars aimed at a younger population, or they may plan trips that include a variety of “ferocious” activities.

smiling middle aged woman

Positive aspects of midorexia

While midorexia may seem like a negative thing, a disorder in which people do not accept their own age or oppose aging,  it can also have positive effects. 

Midorexia can make a person live their youth a second time without letting age be an excuse to have fun. Efforts to live in a young way can help a person avoid getting stuck in an uncomfortable and monotonous lifestyle.

Midorex can actually help us overcome age-related psychological difficulties. It encourages us to experience experiences we would not have even considered before because we think we are too old.

For example, it is possible to enjoy trips to exotic places or engage in extreme sports without caring too much about whether it is age-appropriate.

In addition, the next interesting benefit of this disorder is the opportunity to make friends with younger people. Following the habits of younger people can help us find things we have in common with the younger generation. This also helps us understand the youngest in our family: our children and our grandchildren.

Benefits of Midorexia in Older People

When older people want to feel younger,  they usually start doing some kind of sport. This, of course, brings with it many health benefits. Many seniors often become immobile, which in turn increases their physical limitations. This also makes them more susceptible to disease.

senior woman practicing yoga on the beach

Other older people are performing a “digital” transformation and learning to use new technology. 

While it is important to be aware of your own age, it is also important to consider age as something subjective. The age of 50 or 60 should not be a barrier to enjoying life, with the exception of the physical limitations that this age brings.

We must also remember that life expectancy has risen considerably, and that is why we must strive to keep the youthful mind alive for as long as possible. Midorex can bring more positives than negatives. It allows us to enjoy the temptations of youth and overcome the barriers of age.

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