Truth Succeeds On Its Own, Lies Need Help

Truth thrives on itself, lies need help

We have certainly all experienced situations where we have not been sure how to get out of them. The truth is that every path has its difficulties,  especially if it was you who put yourself at that point.

Lying sometimes seems like the best option because it’s easiest in the short term. However, lying is the same as going to an alley with many detours but no way out. We will probably also get lost there.

By lying, we deceive others as well as ourselves

While lying about something in our lives may sometimes seem like the most appealing option,  what would make us feel more relaxed in the long run would always be to stick to the truth. Whether we were ashamed of something or aware that we were doing something wrong, the best thing we can do is be honest with others. Otherwise, we also deceive ourselves.

woman and owl

We are not perfect and therefore we have the right to make mistakes. However, it has been proven that lies are condemned while the truth lasts. So you need to be consistent with your actions, accept what you have done wrong, and step into the shoes of the people you have done wrong.

Telling the truth can be painful at first but will help us in the long run. The people we have influenced with our lies also appreciate our efforts. This also helps us respect ourselves as well as forgive ourselves.

Lies are gaps filled with bottomless shafts

When we are honest, our environment stays upright by itself. We are aware of all the positive and negative things between us. People who move away from our world do so because one way or another they don’t fit in. And that means we weren’t meant to share it together. That somehow we didn’t agree.

It can be hard to accept that some people don’t feel drawn to the things we offer them. However, it makes us realize that the people who stay close to us really value us as we are. Isn’t that in itself a good enough reason to be proud of ourselves?

Mark Twain said,  “If you tell the truth, you never have to remember anything”. And it is true that  honesty is the best medicine to stay relaxed and make your own life easier. Our daily lives would be constantly straining if we were to always keep the farce up, one way or another.

In the long run, the path of truth is the easiest

Nothing compares to the feeling of satisfaction from telling the truth. It may have been difficult at first and you may have even gotten a share of the criticism of what you have done. But the  peace that truth sows is superior to the fabric created by falsehood. For others, staying honest helps us mature and value ourselves as human beings, because honesty is a bold act.

While it may seem more complicated to accept at first, telling the truth is the best decision you can make. In the long run, it will make your trip much easier than if you lied. Lies would just feed themselves to get everything around them tangled.

woman in nature

The trust that others have in us can be regained if we surround ourselves with truth, for its foundations are much stronger than lies. If we do our best to be honest and sincere with others, we are also honest with ourselves. Therefore, we also get the appreciation of others.

Be honest with yourself and others. Always do as you would like others to do to yourself. That way, it’s also easier for them to do the same for us.

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