Tricks To Find Motivation

Tricks to find motivation

Are you one of those people who gives up easily because they think all hope is gone? Finding motivation in times like these can seem too challenging. Norman Vincent Peal has said that “it is always too early to give up.” To ward off discouragement, it is also good for us to internalize  Winston Churchill’s  affirmative statement: ““ Never, ever, never give up! ”

Even if sometimes it seems that you have failed in everything, somewhere there is always a ray of hope shining. Even if you don’t always have the motivation, there are still many opportunities for you to take advantage of. It may just be that you don’t see them at that very moment.

As you learn about the life stories of some very successful people, you may find that they don’t always tell about the natural gifts that allowed these individuals to taste success right from the first try. Steve Jobs suffered a failure and was rejected. Abraham Lincoln lost several elections before becoming elected president. Henry Ford hardly seemed like anything other than a big dreamer when he imagined vehicles circling around along the roads. Vera Rubin  could not study at Harvard University because she was a woman. However, he became one of the most famous astronomers in the world.

We could name dozens of other examples of people who never gave up. Even if they at times suffered from a lack of motivation, they found an inner strength that allowed them to move forward. We would now like to go through some tricks that can be useful in both your personal and professional life.

Finding motivation

You’ve probably come across people who have wanted to motivate you. Your loved ones want to see you happy and act accordingly. Your manager wants you to reach your full potential and make you an even more effective employee.

The Keys to Self-Motivation, a work by lifestyle coach and philosopher Pablo Maella, is particularly helpful in this regard. What to do when everything seems lost? Can we find the strength to move forward?

Sunrise and new motivation

Maella offers some tricks to keep in mind. Finding motivation is related to a positive attitude. If you are able to maintain an objective and positive perspective, you will turn yourself in the right direction again. How to do…

1. It is important to accept reality

Realism is essential to finding motivation. If you expect too much from others, you will probably be disappointed. By being realistic and objective, and adapting to the circumstances as required by the situation, you avoid a loss of motivation.

2. It is important to complain less

Sometimes we find ourselves frustrated with the world around us. We complain about everything. We feel desperate and unhappy. In this way, we end up taking our emotions away and forgetting our own values ​​and abilities. We become passive.

Logically, this is a huge mistake. It solves absolutely nothing. In fact, it only makes things worse. What if we made a realistic plan of action and immediately took the reins again into our own hands instead of letting discouragement take over us?

It is perfectly normal to get discouraged sometimes. Even though it may require a great deal of effort from time to time, you should not let go of your positive attitude. In this respect, nature is a great teacher because after every storm comes the base. It is also best to keep a good wind, even if it is difficult and complicated. How you act when you encounter difficulties gives an indication of the end result.

3. It is important to avoid confusing positivity with naivety

With reference to the previous point, it is important to make clear the difference between positivity and naivety.   You must always be realistic without losing your objectivity. To get there, you need to keep your goals to the limit. Otherwise, your good mood and motivation will disappear.

4. It is important to find a purpose for what you do

Do you think what you do doesn’t matter? If this is true for you, it is difficult to get out of bed in the mornings. However, if every step you take is appropriate, it’s easy to find meaning in everything you do. Don’t forget that every task you perform, no matter how insignificant it may seem, has a greater purpose.

dirty feet

5. It is important not to ever become passive

By allowing yourself to be passivated, you will only become a side follower of your own life. You need to be active. You have to take control of your life and be the protagonist of your life in every show. Don’t let others make decisions for you.

6. It is important to stay strong

Finding motivation, as well as maintaining hope, activity, and positivity, requires you to stay strong. Do not give up when the first difficulty occurs. Dig out the tools to help you move forward. If one of them fails, dig up the next. If you see your forces fading, look deeper into yourself to find the ability to strive higher again. Take responsibility and stay consistent. Don’t let anyone or anyone stop you. Stick to your goals.

Sometimes it looks like everything is lost. The wind blows your card house over. Even if your motivation starts with cracks, you still have dozens of tools at your fingertips that can help you rebuild everything.  Their introduction is a sign of intelligence, determination and perseverance.

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