Trazodone: Its Uses And Side Effects

Trazodone: its uses and side effects

Trazodone is a second-generation antidepressant. It is used to treat chronic depression, sleep problems and anxiety. While it works fast and has good effects, we can’t ignore its side effects.

Trazodone has been on sale for almost 60 years, and in Finland its trade name is Azona. It was discovered and developed commercially in Italy in 1961. This happened as a result of an attempt to find another therapeutic alternative, another so-called second-generation drug that acts as a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI). The result was this pink capsule that doctors began prescribing very recently.

The manufacturers of this medicine often talk about its main benefits in the medicine’s packaging: its effectiveness during the first week of dosing. In addition, another factor that patients liked from the beginning was that this antidepressant had no weight gain side effects. And because this drug is so affordable, it was sold the most in the 70s and 80s.

However, one of its side effects was really noticeable right during the first few years: orthostatic hypotension (low blood pressure when a person is standing up). Gradually, it was found that trazodone was much more effective and safer in small amounts. This small adjustment has allowed this drug to treat many different conditions successfully to this day.

trazodone is an antidepressant

Trazodone – how does it work and what is it used for?

Many neurologists and psychiatrists tell us the brain is much more complex than we imagine. We still don’t know how antidepressants actually work, and it’s not always possible to predict which drug works best for each patient. Trazodone, despite having been on the market for about 60 years, has both advocates and opponents. Some people warn of its side effects, which are often unpredictable. And then there are numerous studies that talk about how well it handles various disorders.

Here are some clinical conditions for which your doctor may prescribe trazodone:

  • Clinical depression (with or without anxiety)
  • Chronic insomnia
  • Exercise worry
  • Fibromyalgia with severe sleep problems
  • Nightmares and other sleep disorders
  • Schizophrenia
  • Alcoholism

It is worth noting that many studies show that trazodone helps in the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder. Many patients with insomnia, nightmares, and high trauma-related anxiety often recover from this medication.

How does trazodone work?

As we already made clear, trazodone is a second-generation drug that inhibits serotonin reuptake. What distinguishes this drug from fluoxetine is, for example, that its chemical composition belongs to the same genus as phenylpiperazine. This has some advantages and some disadvantages. Its advantage is that it is a 5-HT2A receptor antagonist. This means that this medicine has great potential in the treatment of anxiety and depression.

It also blocks alpha-adrenergic receptors and serotonin mediator proteins. All of this can lead to extensive less serious side effects.

trazodone affects the brain

Side effects of trazodone

There are patients who do not experience any side effects at all,  while other people experience some problems that may in fact also be due to other conditions (certain diseases, interactions with other drugs or food, etc.). However, it should be borne in mind that this drug is not recommended for people with liver, heart, or kidney problems.

In addition, this drug cannot be taken in combination with sedatives, cardiac drugs, antibiotics, anticoagulants, or even natural drugs such as St. John’s wort. In this sense, the patient must follow all medical prescriptions.

Here are the most common side effects of trazodone:

  • Impaired urinary retention
  • Constipation or diarrhea
  • Dry mouth
  • Rash or itchy skin
  • Sweating and tremor
  • Feeling of confusion and restlessness
  • Tachycardia
  • Headache
  • Blurred vision
  • Loss of appetite and weight loss
  • Symptoms of the flu
trazodone relieves anxiety

There are many other safer drugs on the market today with fewer side effects. However, trazodone is prescribed by psychiatrists for one reason. This drug is really effective for people suffering from concomitant depression. This means depression, which is accompanied by anxiety, insomnia, nightmares, and psychological distress.

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