Top 7 Books For Self-help And Self-improvement

Top 7 Books for Self Help and Self Development

When we want to develop ourselves , the  best tools for it are surprisingly found in ourselves.

But since you can never get too much help with self-improvement, it’s a good idea, of course, to take advantage of all the tools available to develop yourself. That’s why we’ve now put together this list, which consists of seven of the best books on self-help and self-improvement that make the goal easier to achieve.

What are the best and most recommended books for self-help and self-improvement? 

1. Unlimited Power, by Tony Robbins.  

For those of us who dream of a better life in the future, Unlimited Power provides  guidance on how we can achieve the fantastic quality of life and quality we want and deserve. Anthony Robbins shows how that is possible. By harnessing our minds in the right way, we are able to do, receive, achieve, and create what ever we want from our lives. 

All in all, this revolutionary book, which has already sold over a million copies worldwide, shows us step by step how we can achieve a state of spiritual liberation and become more confident as a human being.

2. Emotional Intelligence  by  Daniel Goleman.

In his book Emotional Intelligence,  Daniel Goleman argues that  developing emotional intelligence is one of the most important things if we want to be successful in both our personal lives and careers. 

In his book, he presents quite shockingly fascinating and novel ideas about this type of intelligence while  rejecting traditional ideas about the reliability of the results of intelligence tests. The book has been translated into more than 40 languages ​​and has sold an estimated 5 million copies worldwide.

The pages of the book form a heart

3. Accept Yourself – Your Erroneous Zones , by Wayne Dyer.  

Wayne Dyer writes in his book about how it is possible to avoid and escape negative feelings and thoughts and thereby take over our own lives.

The book is based on the basic assumption that we all have certain feelings about weakness, including  feelings of guilt and anxiety. 

In his book, Dyer  helps us identify thoughts that prevent us from evolving forward and also makes it easier for the reader to understand the fact that feelings like this are not good at all in our daily lives but on the contrary make us feel sad or even depressed.

This book has managed to break the world record by selling 35 million copies worldwide.

4.  Good Luck  (La buena suerte) , by Álex Rovira.  

Álex Rovira shares a magical story with us. Through metaphor, it addresses many important topics such as trying, perseverance, and willpower not to give up. This is a book that offers us great aha experiences that can be applied in our daily lives.

5. Rich Dad – Rich Dad Poor Dad , by Robert Kiyosaki. 

Kiyosaki’s book discusses how economic freedom can be achieved. It has become one of the most popular and central books among economics experts, executives, and educators in the field. This book teaches us to change our perception of money and turn our personal lives into a whole new faith. 

6. Stories to Think About,  by Jorge Bucay. 

In her book, Jorge Bucay shares a collection of different stories that serve as a kind of metaphor related to our daily lives and small routines.

Here is a video of the interview that introduces Bucay’s storytelling style in much the same way as it appears in his book (in Spanish with English subtitles):

7. On the Frontier of Humanity (Man’s Search for Meaning) , by Viktor Frankl. 

This is one of the most effective books for self-development, as it is based on the personal experiences of its author, Viktor Franklin. He was in a Nazi concentration camp for three years and faced a heartbreaking fate when he lost his entire family.

In his book, Frankl says that no  matter what difficulties or adversities you face, it is always possible to move on as long as we find some content and meaning in our lives.

This book is a must read in many schools and other educational institutions around the world.

If you have had the opportunity to read one of the books on the list, you will be happy to share your opinion about it and even better, what you have learned from it!

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