Theory Of Reflection Effect

Theory of reflection effect

Maybe you’re the kind of person who doesn’t support injustice, but you still think you can’t do anything about it. If this is the case, you should become familiar with the theory of the reflection effect. After reading this article, you will understand how much power you have to change things.

It is important to understand that improving things starts with us. We cannot love life if we are not happy. We cannot love others if we do not love ourselves.

Start with yourself

As we said, the first step is to change yourself. How can you ask someone else not to speak ugly about you if you yourself speak ugly to others? How can you want others to value you if you don’t value yourself?

the man chooses the path

Think about it for a moment and talk to yourself. Listen to yourself. Explore your deepest feelings. Ask yourself how you can, and how you would like to be. Look your problems in the eye and face them, and fix everything that is broken in your life.

Then, once you have started this conversation with yourself, consider who you are. What do you want to do? What are your goals? Take off any masks you have worn to please yourself. Kick the distorted decency aside and see yourself as you are. And don’t stop here. Clean yourself of things you don’t like. Free yourself from anything that is not good or that hurts. Become the person you have always dreamed of.

Throw the first stone

Then once you get to know yourself and take the first steps to change your life, you are ready to throw the first stone. This stone has a vibrating effect. So what does this mean? Everything you do affects everything and everyone around you.

If you commit to changing your behavior, you’ll notice things you didn’t notice before. For example, you can commit not to complain because it is useless. Show more love for yourself and others. Or just be yourself. Little by little you will see how your past actions have affected your life.

In the first few moments after throwing a stone, it is important to look at things calmly and rationally. Just like throwing the right stone into the water, the first ripple is small. The effects of your new attitude are also minimal in the beginning. But as time goes on and you make more changes, you will notice how the effects increase and their significance increases.

Let the waves flow

Then after you have thrown the first stone into the water, let the waves flow and let them act. As we said, the first waves are small and short-lived, but they also help change the others.

In the next step, you need to see yourself as a happy person in the middle of these waves, right at the point where the stone fell. You are the starting point of your happiness. You are a brave person who has chosen a difficult path.

reflection theory: drop in water

Think of the waves you cause every time you touch the water. Your love inside doesn’t just spread on the surface. It can also be felt in the deepest parts of a lake, sea or even a puddle where rocks fall.

Each of those waves reflects your passion for life. They are your courage to make your dreams come true. They are your kindness to others and your need to help the needy. You spread this energy to others. One way or another, it has an effect on them.

Ripple effect

If you constantly create waves in the water, you will see within days how it affects the people around you. You observe little by little the effect you have on them. Maybe you give them hope, joy, self-confidence, or enthusiasm. It all depends on the connection between you and them.

You even start to notice  how those you have affected are starting to throw their own rocks into the water and create waves that reach their loved ones.

Do you still think you can do nothing about injustices? Start with yourself. Let a positive attitude and kindness fill your world. This allows waves to form, making the world a better place, one wave at a time.

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