The World’s New Arts

The new arts of the world represent new paths to human expression. One of them is that they combine other arts and use technology in one way or another.
The new arts of the world

We have a number of new arts in our hands today that respond to the tremendous cultural changes we have undergone over the past few decades. This is why it is useful to know these new arts in the world, because as an audience we can see in them new forms of expression and how artists form new ways of exploring creativity.

Art is one of the resources we can use to help us feel, express, and renew ourselves. In addition, there are many studies that show what potential art has for our personal well-being. Indeed, it would be ideal for each of us to be able to include in our lives a space for artistic creation.

In the arts, the most important thing is not to achieve results, but to practice yourself. Clearly, not all of us can be great artists, nor do we create art for exhibitions or to make them known in a massive way around the world. In reality, what matters is that we use art as a way of expressing ourselves, be it within the framework of classical art or in the world of new arts.

Most importantly, we use art as a way of expressing ourselves, be it in the context of classical art or in the world of new arts.

Classical arts

Classical arts are those arts that have been formed since ancient times and that have traditionally followed people and societies throughout our history.

Almost all forms of classical art have a distant past, and they have existed in practice since man has existed. At first they were connected very closely to the magical world, but since then they have achieved autonomous status.

The six different forms of classical art are as follows:

  • Painting. Painting is perhaps the first form of art born of mankind. Basically, we can see painting representing reality graphically, using characters and / or colors on a supportive platform. Different fields of painting include oil painting, pastel painting, watercolor painting and acrylic painting.
  • Sculpture. Sculpture, like painting, is also an art whose roots go back to the early days of mankind. Sculpture involves the shaping of editable materials (e.g., metals, clay, wood, marble, or granite) to construct characters that represent the world either concretely or abstractly.
  • Music. Like sculpture and painting, music has appeared in our society at an early stage, initially by imitating nature’s own sounds. In those days, it still had essentially an exclusively ritual purpose. Music refers to the production of harmonic sounds either by one’s own voice or by a player that produces melodies.
  • Dance. Dance also has a ritual origin and in this case the carrier of the expression is the human body itself, which harmonizes with the rhythm of the music. At first, theater was part of dance, but since then, dance has become an art form independent of theater.
  • Architecture. Architecture as a form of art is associated with the design and construction of buildings for aesthetic purposes. Like all the art forms mentioned above, it is one of the oldest arts in the world, for since the beginning of our times, there have been structures in our society for ritual purposes that date back several thousand years.
  • Literature. Literature, unlike many other forms of classical art, is a type of art whose roots do not last as far, as it originated first through oral narratives, which have since shifted to the development of writing on paper.

Today, film is considered the seventh form of classical art. Although it is the youngest of the classical arts, and was not born until the 20th century, it unites all other arts in one way or another. We could almost say that it is a pioneer of new arts in the world.

Gastronomy is one of the world’s new arts disciplines that serves as both an individual and a social form of expression

The new arts of the world

The urban lifestyle, technology, and new forms and opportunities to feel have changed the panorama of the arts in a significant way. These changes have also led to the so-called new arts of the world. Based on this, we can list the following forms of these new arts, among others:

  • Photography. Photography is one of the most popular new arts of the moment. Photography is defined as the art of painting with light, which the artist performs through a medium called a camera.
  • Circus. The skills and new ways of presenting the circus have created the form of the arts itself from this entertainment. The circus belongs to the arts of spectacles and includes theater, music and dance.
  • Gastronomy. Cooking is an activity that can achieve tremendous complexity. At the same time, it is also a form of individual and social expression, which is why it is considered one of the new arts in the world.
  • Drawings and cartoons. Drawings and cartoons combine painting, literature, and film to offer their audiences a new way of expression that has begun with the development of printing technology. The sub-genres of these new arts include one form that has gained particular importance in our modern society: comic novels.
  • New plastic arts. There are several different forms of expression in the new arts that fall into the category of plastic arts. Digital art, graffiti, new media art , multimedia art , interactive and electronic art, and public space interventions (such as street exhibitions in public spaces) are all forms of new plastic arts that are seen as developments in painting and sculpture.

The new arts of the world have emerged in response to these changes in the perception, knowledge, and expression of the world. While they do not have traditions that go as far back in history as classical arts, such as music, painting, or architecture, they are just as valid as art forms.

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