The World Of Particularly Sensitive People

The world of particularly sensitive people

A sensitive person has their own language: the language of emotions. It is a very intimate and perceptible language where the heart is always nervous and feels vulnerable. Even so, sensitive people understand very well that that vulnerability can be an exceptional gift. It’s like a mental muscle full of strength, but also dangers. There is a powerful tool at their disposal to minimize risks: emotional intelligence.

There is always someone sensitive everywhere, hidden and even fused with the human mass. But we all know that it is not easy to live in a world that requires us all to be the same, to react in the same way, to see reality from the same window… Just as we all have the same recipe and speak the same language of emotions.

Particularly sensitive every day is like a hedgehog’s back or a prickly stem of a rose. Everything hurts a little more, but is also more exciting. This can be weird for someone unfamiliar with this kind of sensitivity. Such a disrespectful and ignorant person would not hesitate to say for example, “O tat just everything too seriously. You have to be stronger, pick up a little ”.

But how? According to some sources, such as Dr. Ted Zeff’s Survival Guide for the Highly Sensitive Person , people with hypersensitivity have a hypersensitive nervous system. Some areas of their brain also function more strongly, especially the islet and other areas of the brain associated with empathy and emotional reactivity.

It is not possible to be “stronger” if the brain tunes to the world on a different frequency. No one can be something that isn’t really there, and can’t silence the sound of their own feelings when they become overwhelming. We cannot control our emotions when our soul speaks to us and reality suddenly reveals incredible shades that only we can see.

plants taped to the window

Sensitive person and the noise of the environment

Many of us probably have the kind of classic friend we nicknamed “ look but don’t touch”. His sensitive sense of smell or sense demands our attention. There are certain fabrics that he cannot use because they are uncomfortable, itchy, or he gets an allergic reaction to them.

Sometimes a mere pinch or a louder-than-normal voice causes him severe pain. Particularly sensitive people are those who, at parties and meetings, end up hiding in a corner, hoping to be at home.

According to psychiatrist  Judith Orloff , author of  Emotional Freedom , the threshold for sensory perception is different in particularly sensitive people. In fact, all stimuli are 50 times stronger. However, this does not mean that everything is painful. With this delicate threshold of perception and emotion, they have the ability to tune into the beauty of life in a very intense way. Most of us don’t get into this kind of beauty at all.

So it is not a mistake to say that special sensitivity is a gift. However, it is true that sensitive people need to be able to control and appropriately filter the stimuli they receive. When they are able to successfully use a shield in their environment to maintain their self-esteem and the integrity of their emotional life, they can reach an exceptionally sensitive level of maturity.

Particularly sensitive people are the ones who notice the uniqueness of the details, who find fulfillment in silence and precious moments of loneliness. In these quiet moments, any activity (especially the creative one) becomes exciting. It’s like a synesthetic explosion of sensations, pleasures, and multi-nuanced feelings that’s hard to explain to those who don’t belong to the 20 percent of the population who are particularly sensitive people (HSP).

hand and prism colors

A particularly sensitive man and his world of silence

Alex went to his sister for coffee after work. He tells him that the whole day was spent in a knot and that he now feels very exhausted. His boss made observations of his work as a sales manager, giving little criticism that Alex did not receive very well. In fact, it affected him so much that his co-workers mocked him all day. And worse, she knows that in the office she is already called the “drama queen”.

This simple example is an illustration of the reality that many particularly sensitive men live. This is because special sensitivity is not unique to women. Half of the particularly sensitive population are men, and they are the ones who feel the most pressure from a society that still does not accept sensitive men. Our culture does not accept the idea of ​​a man who barely controls his emotions, for whom criticism is painful, who cries easily, who prefers to play individual sports, and who feels strong empathy for the people around him.

a foggy day for particularly sensitive people

Despite the fact that special sensitivity is a well-known topic at the moment, many people are still hiding in the shadows. They watch quietly, not drawing attention to themselves and keeping their distance so that they don’t get hurt. We know that each of them survives in their own way in a world full of sharp edges. But respect and the “live and let others live” principle should be important in the lives of all of us so that we can all achieve true personal fulfillment.

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