The Seven Ingredients Of Happiness

The seven ingredients of happiness

The ingredients of happiness are not part of some magic potion. These ingredients come from a healthy body. What we call happiness is not a constant state of euphoria, but a balanced and harmonious attitude toward reality. It gives us inner peace and a good outlook on life.

We all want to be happy, but we don’t always know how to explain what happiness is. Some people think it’s just about getting something: a relationship, worldly possessions, a job, etc.  But the truth is that the ingredients of happiness are available to everyone as they grow within us.

That is, happiness is not something we gain or lose, because in reality it is the attitude we create. And to do this, it’s important to learn what it can give us. These are the seven ingredients of happiness, and we can all access them.

1. Forgiving ourselves: the first ingredient of happiness

We all blame ourselves for our mistakes and failures. We blame ourselves if we are certain and not different. But blaming ourselves doesn’t do us any good. It makes us unhappy and insecure people.

desperate woman in the field

The first ingredient in happiness is to say “no” to blaming ourselves. We must learn to be ourselves best friends. But this is impossible if we do not forgive ourselves and accept that mistakes and failures are actually really valuable. They are the primary way to learn and grow.

2. Exploring, experiencing new things

Most of us humans tend to develop repetitive lifestyles. These are the ones that prevent us from facing new things. They help us feel stable, which saves us from consuming a tremendous amount of psychic energy.

The problem is that  if we get rid of new things in our lives, it won’t be long until we’re bored and without motivation. In addition to this, we will be stuck in one place. We should always create space for ourselves to explore and face new things. This is the undeniable ingredient of happiness.

3. Engaging in physical and creative activity

Physical activity is more than just a tool to maintain our health. The positive effects of exercise on our brains and moods are proven facts. Happiness is also a feeling associated with neurochemistry, and it is good for us to be aware of this. Periodic exercise can be a great help when it comes to preventing low and negative moods.

a woman paints the lawn green

This has similarities with creative and refreshing activity. We humans need to have room for self-expression, imagination and creativity. It is not easy to feel happy if we deprive ourselves of these things.

4. Simplifying life

The next one of the main ingredients of happiness is learning how to simplify life. This means that we need to understand what is really important and what is not. It means knowing how to dedicate time to things that are worth the effort and not wasting time on neurotic situations.

Simplifying life also has a lot to do with finding effective solutions. Let’s not fill our plate with unnecessary problems. Let us clear our way of all these small obstacles. In this way, we can conserve the energy we need for major challenges.

5. Learning to control impulses

One of the ingredients of happiness is spontaneity. But we should not confuse this concept with allowing ourselves to be caught up in any impulse that comes with it. Self-control takes a little effort , but it has really nice rewards if we can manage it.

ingredients for man's happiness

We all have different meditation techniques readily available today. They are great ways to learn to deal with our emotions, especially in a way that prevents them from being distracting. We will definitely be happier when we achieve the ability to act rationally, rather than acting on our impulses.

6. Finding and maintaining constructive friendships

Friendship is one of the most beautiful bonds of life, for a really large part of it is freedom and spontaneity. True friendships are based on the same opinions and interests. There are no commitments in a friendship, and if we maintain our friendship over time, this is due to our own personal will.

People are constantly talking about how friendships are like treasures. And this is true, they are. Friends are an important factor in promoting your own self-affirmation, self-knowledge, and self-esteem. Friends teach us to listen and be supportive. They are the best we follow in endless time.

7. Kindness to ourselves and a sense of gratitude

Kindness to ourselves means accepting ourselves and our faults, and forgiving ourselves (as we mentioned earlier). It also means taking care of ourselves, protecting ourselves, not forgetting our accomplishments, and encouraging ourselves in tough times. It means constantly reminding ourselves that we have a right to be happy.

in the heart of the house

Gratitude is a great virtue because it leads to tremendous benefits in him who feels gratitude. Only one who appreciates good things in his life can be grateful. And anyone who knows how to appreciate this is going to be happy. When we feel grateful for it, our happiness only grows.

We ourselves create the ingredients of our happiness. They don’t fall from a tree, and we don’t just run into them at some point in our lives. This is a beautiful truth. It reminds us that only we control our own happiness.

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