The Mind Needs Rest

The mind needs rest

It’s impossible to live under constant  stress  and always be in a hurry somewhere. In the long run, dealing with such a high level of activity is impossible for both body and mind. It consumes an enormous amount of energy. An individual’s level of performance also falls under pressure that lasts for hours and days. However, the world around us is so competitive that even if we need rest, it is difficult for us to give it to ourselves. Step by step, we move towards  anxiety disorder.

Practicing different relaxation techniques or weekly yoga classes will not help unless you are simply unable to stop and calm down in the middle of the day. However, stopping the worries that circulate in the daily mind can be tricky because we haven’t really been taught to deal with them. Do you still remember a time when you weren’t so focused on your phone? When was the last time you did something you really enjoyed?

Your mind needs rest

You don’t have to go on vacation to relax. You can stop the eternal hustle and bustle around, or within, simply by spending a weekend, a day, or a few hours isolating yourself from it. The challenge is, how do you take advantage of this time? Can you break free?

Most likely, plans for future projects revolve in your mind. You think about what you need to do by Monday, who you need to contact, and you are reminded of a pile of other responsibilities that will prevent you from enjoying your planned rest days. You feel irresponsible because you have left these overwhelming responsibilities behind you for a moment. And the truth is, you can’t influence things in any way before Monday’s return to work.  Thus, the weekend becomes a seemingly endless wait for Monday, which, of course, only increases the stress even further.

Mind at work

You can relax and make the most of your rest day when you focus on different activities and thought patterns than the pressures of everyday responsibilities. For example, you can give yourself permission to wake up at a different time and enjoy the moment of breakfast without the daily rush. We get used to our routines so easily that breaking them becomes very challenging for us. Therefore, we make mistakes when we have the opportunity to plan a rest period for ourselves.

First, we  try to plan everything in advance, and leave no room for improvisation. In this way, all the unexpected situations cause us contradictions. We carry the phone with us, keeping them on or in flight mode. We also don’t dare to try new things, and we don’t expose ourselves to insanely daring experiences. The burning question is, “why?”

A clear example of this can be seen during the holiday season, when the majority have a few days off. For many, a time that should be enjoyable turns into torture.  Bringing a family together, visiting loved ones or going on a holiday trip to make the most of this time is simply too much!

Keep this in mind during your rest days: If you can’t let go of stress when you don’t have to be  at work, then when? You fill your time because you are afraid of what might happen if you have nothing to do.  But you just have to let go! Maybe you’d like to spend a day at home reading, watching TV, or doing something completely useless. All this is allowed. You don’t have to bear the blame for it. You have earned it many times over.
the mind needs rest and fun

The benefits of rest

Maybe you think resting is a complete waste of time. Maybe you think that working non-stop makes your productivity peak, and so you become a better employee. That’s what you’re wrong about. Being in a constant way of working does not bring the best results.  Instead, it causes problems such as stress, anxiety, and depression to surface more quickly.  Are you ready to hear more about the benefits of rest?

  • Rest nourishes your creativity in a remarkable way. If your work requires ingenuity and imagination from you and you no longer feel inspired by anything, your work will suffer. Stubbornness does not help. You need to relax, do something enjoyable, and unwind for a moment. You won’t waste your time because when you get back to work you won’t hit your head on the wall anymore like you did before. Everything starts to go better.
  • Rest improves your ability to evaluate and make decisions. Making decisions is an integral part of our lives. As a result, we can either get closer or farther from what we want to achieve.  When our minds are full of all kinds, it is impossible to see things clearly enough for us to analyze all possible options and be happy with the solutions we have made.
  • Rest reduces stress and anxiety. Proper rest lowers your activity level. When you suffer from the symptoms of stress, the production of cortisol in your body increases. This has significant effects on the body, especially if the condition becomes chronic. Headaches, impaired immunity, and chronic fatigue are just a few examples of this.
  • Rest makes you happy. As negative thought patterns weaken, endorphin production increases. These are also known as “happiness hormones”. As a result, you will be able to fully enjoy everything that is happening around you. In addition, these “happiness hormones” make you feel calmer and more balanced.

Mind in vacation mode

If you learn to rest properly, your performance at work will increase. As a result, you are full of energy and positivity as you step into a new day.  If, after returning to your routine, you start to feel exhausted again, you have not relaxed properly.  Obsessions with a successful holiday and its cramming full of activities will prevent you from getting the most out of it. Don’t plan everything in advance. Let things go under their own weight, and most importantly, enjoy !

If you take full advantage of what you do every day, why not do the same for your vacation? If you are unable to take advantage of the weekends and not your holidays that you expect as the moon rises, your expectations for them are probably too high. Even if we focus on waiting for the start of leisure, it is worth bearing in mind that the end of it will inevitably come as well.

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