The Importance Of Gaining Recognition For Self-esteem

The importance of gaining recognition for self-esteem

We all need recognition from other people. It’s not about pride, selfishness, or immaturity. A person obviously needs respect and intimacy from the people around him from the very first moments of his life and that is why it is important to get recognition from other people.

Our value as a person to be cared for and loved must be recognized. Our virtues and ability to move forward and achieve things must be recognized. Our ability to be happy in a mature and genuine way must be recognized. The strength gained from these gives us confidence and helps us grow. Our parents and families are our closest social circle from which we should receive recognition, appreciation, and intimacy.

If we receive recognition and appreciation, our self-esteem can blossom. But be careful! Just as we receive it, we need to be able to give recognition to other people as well: “I value you as a person and I believe in you. I know what you are capable of and that is why I respect you. You are a part of my life. ”

Let us take a closer look at this issue today. What is it really about giving recognition?

Recognition and self-esteem

Let us first remind ourselves of the pillars that form the basis of self-confidence:

  1. Respect for yourself: is essential. If you do not value yourself and consider yourself an important and capable person, we will not even get started. Love always starts with love for yourself. If I value myself and are able to see my own gifts as well as my right to be happy, I will be able to do almost anything.
  2. Self-confidence:  I am aware of my abilities and limits. I am confident that I will follow the path of my life steadily and in a balanced way. If I don’t have confidence, I lose control of my own life. Or worse, I leave it at the mercy of other people.
  3. Responsibility for your own life:  You are the captain of your own ship. You are not a sailor and certainly not a stowaway. It is imperative that we know how to make our own decisions from an early age, value ourselves and be courageous.
  4. Believe that we will be respected:  Never look at your life from the perspective of loss, but of opportunities and abilities. Identify your own abilities and strengths, don’t focus on your weaknesses. We all have the right to be happy in this complex life. All that is needed is confidence and courage. Never think that someone else deserves more than you. The moment you think so, you start building a wall around you. Don’t make that mistake.

As you can see, we all need recognition, and above all, recognition from ourselves. We all need to be sure that we deserve success, balance, and happiness. Maybe you haven’t enjoyed the appreciation and recognition your family has in the early stages of your life. It may be that those close relationships weren’t the best for you.

Even if it were like this, never get stuck in an unhappy past. Reflect on yourself, try to find the strengths that can be found within each of us. Find recognition for yourself – the one that tells you that you are a great person, that you deserve only the best, and that love always starts with yourself.

The need for healthy recognition

As you can see, we have talked about the necessary need for recognition that supports self-esteem, but we also need to elaborate on that a little more precisely. You certainly know at least one or more people who are longing for recognition from other people.

When our need for recognition in connection with our actions, words, attitudes, or even our appearance becomes obsessive, we have crossed the line of needing healthy recognition. We are looking to the outside world for what we cannot find within us.

It is absolutely true that we all need recognition from our family, friends, and spouse, but not obsessively or constantly, as this shows a clear uncertainty in the person himself. In this case, one of the basic pillars of self-esteem is crushed.

Getting recognition is essential for a person. It will help us grow for sure. However, it is also important that we give ourselves recognition so that it gives us confidence, strength and balance.

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