The Five Faces Of Envy

The five faces of envy

Envy is not a feeling, it is an unhealthy passion. Unfortunately, it is also true that no one has ever lived a life without feeling it. It’s just our reality as humans. The real problem is that some people give it up and let it take over. Envy has many different faces, but they are all toxic.

It is not easy with a jealous person. Jealousy can take many forms, some of which are very subtle and difficult to detect. Sometimes it even disguises itself as an attitude that seems benevolent.

For all of us, one of life’s great tasks is to learn to detect envy and eliminate it. The best way to do that is to start by recognizing what it looks like. So here are a few of the many faces of envy…

The face of envy

1. Sarcasm

Sarcastic statements are one of the most common faces of envy. Sarcasm is a kind of joke where you say something, but you really mean the opposite  or at least something different. It has two meanings. Words say one thing, but their true meaning means something completely different.

The most common form of sarcasm is a mix, which is an intermediate form of an aggressive and friendly message. For example, when someone says, “Your costume is really beautiful; it’s just a shame you’ve gained so much. ” Or “You did a good job even though you made a lot of mistakes.” After all, the offensive part catches the eye, and it comes from envy.

2. Direct fires

Direct shots are taken by people who don’t use filters at all. Their pretended sincerity is, in most cases, just arrogance. It is also usually ruthless criticism that they carelessly give, as if they were entitled to it.

They’re the kind of people who say, “You were such an idiot” or “You have terrible teeth.” They share their opinions, even though no one asked for it. They don’t care that they don’t add anything useful or new to the situation.

3. Sweet sadism

“Cute sadists” are usually really friendly people. They are always attentive and sociable. But then they do something that complicates your plans or puts obstacles in your way. Of course, they defend themselves by always saying they didn’t do it on purpose.

For example, you could ask them to do a great service. After promising that they will do it for you, they will “forget”. Later, they will apologize to you and try to make you believe they didn’t mean to hurt you. Another example is a person who does not ask for your opinion on an important decision that will greatly affect you.

4. Greedy solidarity

This is one of the most common faces of envy, and it causes a lot of damage. These people tend to say, “I just want to help.” They are the kind of curious people who want to hear about people’s problems.

They are intrigues. They use the information they receive to create gossip and sow confusion. They always pay attention to other people’s lives and always give advice without asking. What they have inside is simply envy.

5. Other better self-comparators

By this we mean basically self-centered people. They always compare themselves to other people and always find a way to “be better”. In other words, they have to be better than anyone else.

They pay attention to your clothes, your car, your partner, your school, anything that is yours. When you least expect it, they throw in a comment designed to minimize the value of your things and increase their own value. They say things like “I heard you had some problems with the relationship. It’s a pity. I will never have any problems on my own. ”

These faces of envy actually hide uncertainty. People use them because they can only look at themselves in the context of other people. Other people’s accomplishments and happiness remind them of all their own emptiness and misery. They suffer from it, so if you want to help them, you have to try to understand their pain.

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