The Calm Sea Doesn’t Make A Great Sailor

The calm sea does not make a great sailor

When you look at the sea you are definitely thinking of it as one of those things in the world that seems to belong to everyone and everything at the same time. The sea is an echo of life that occasionally stops caressing us and helping us escape everything for a moment into silence.

Every sailor reflects on the beauty and tranquility of our seas. There does not seem to be danger in our sea and there is no need to fear it; rather, it appears to us as an endless source of silence and serenity.

Sometimes, however, the waves hit hard against the beaches and rocks, manifesting the power and anger of the sea. For the sailor, this does not momentarily, quite the contrary; it gets him out of his comfort zone and drives him to face those horrible moments that are also a threat to his home. If you have decided to challenge the water, you should also prepare to face its anger.

Our comfort zone prevents us from growing

In fact, we can experience something very similar in our lives on dry land. Experiences and teachings shake especially those who are ready to leave their comfort zone. Giving up the comfort zone pushes us towards the unknown and encourages us to live holistically, regardless of fears.

Woman and comfort zone

We often imagine that we are not really responsible for what happens to us. In reality, however, the situation is different; we only often leave our affairs to the cancer of happiness and destiny, for we are afraid to do anything for ourselves.  These are the moments when we leave ourselves to the routine and start believing that things can’t change. However, this is just a delusion that is not true.

By staying in our comfort zone, we lose opportunities that promote maturation and learning. We need those opportunities to be shipwrecked for a while so we can learn to withstand the winds and take on the opportunities that come unexpectedly. We need something to shake our soul, which has remained untouched for too long.

A feeling of security

Once we reach balance, we can easily fall into the trap of a sense of security. When we experience security from something, things that directly and indirectly mean change start to scare us more than normal. However, do not forget that our fears are not here to dominate us; we must dominate them.

Awareness of safety is an important step in life, but figuring out the laws of the wavy sea is a sign of real courage; one who dares to seek  his limits can attain competence in all situations of our lives.

You don’t lose anything without risk, but you can’t win either

As mentioned, risk-freeness in our decisions prevents us from experiencing new things. Continuous failure avoidance can lead to passivity and non-performance. At the same time, we also block our chances of succeeding in life.

People strive towards control and balance in their daily lives. We think that only our spiritual well-being brings us happiness. However, our psychological growth always also requires risks ; how did you think of getting the job you were looking for if you weren’t willing to take any risk in front of it? Risk-freeness gives a sense of control, but can never bring complete satisfaction.
Boat and butterflies
We are used to hearing guidelines that encourage us to stay put and rely on our sense of security instead of taking risks. So our subconscious has, over time, learned to read risks as negative things and therefore does everything it can to prevent us from taking them.

And a sailor if anyone knows that the sea can at worst befall our destiny. However, he is ready to prevent its destruction with all his might, for it is the only thing that enables him to enjoy life holistically.

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