The Bitter Taste Of Infidelity

The bitter taste of infidelity

Infidelity is the responsibility of both the unfaithful party and the person who suffers from the infidelity of their partner,  for once the act of infidelity is acknowledged, no one is obliged to stay with their partner. And because everyone, deep down, always knows who and what is involved.

Everyone who is involved is responsible, more or less. The whims of the moment and the lack of maturity pay a heavy price.

In any case, infidelity causes a great wound, as a rule, to a person who has been deceived. But infidelity also leaves deep imprints on the person who betrayed:  one who can’t be trusted can find it really hard to trust others. That is, usually a person who is unfaithful also suffers from terrible jealousy.

He who is no longer…

the woman emits red smoke

Usually, for a person who has lived a dishonest life full of short-term and “three-person relationships,” it can suddenly be difficult to stop behaving in that way. In fact, it  often happens that over the years, the problem becomes more chronic. It’s better not to waste your time and life with someone like that.

With such a person, love becomes healthy, frankly, evil; into a real perversion. The result of all this: Destroyed lives, irritated people, and dead hopes. Real failures…

If you get stuck in such a relationship,  you may lose the opportunity to experience true love. You don’t glorify love, but yes, a relationship that brings more joy than sorrow when it comes. If you choose to choose misery instead, don’t blame others for your misfortune. Remember, you are free to choose who you love.

Love never begs

Disappointment comes not only from infidelity, but also from not daring to say “no more”…  In fact, what works inside you is a kind of parasitism. It is a copy of the phenomenon when in nature one living organism lives at the expense of another… And this of course is much worse if what we are talking about is love.

In short, it’s all about self-respect, appreciation, and love for the relationship and its future. For you should never “beg for emotion,” and because  everything that has been done within those boundaries will always lack solid and strong roots.

If you are building a ten-story building, but its foundation and foundation are weak, sooner or later this building will collapse. The love that was caught between infidelity and respect can be forgiven… But it will never allow it or justify it.

Infidelity is often provoked

couple on a park bench

While it may seem a little rough,  infidelity is self-inflicted, not on anyone else’s: when you voluntarily decide to look for the wrong person.

For example, if you know that person tends to be in multiple relationships at the same time and still choose to be with that person, one way or another you yourself accept and support your partner’s infidelity in advance.

So, before you plunge into a state of deep depression because your partner has been unfaithful,  you should analyze in real detail why you allow this to happen. In a situation like this, the problem is with both of you.

He who is unfaithful deceives himself

This does not mean that an unfaithful person is innocent of everything. Undoubtedly, he is primarily responsible, although it is quite clear that everything  that happens in a relationship is caused by both parties. 

Some say they are unfaithful but still loyal because they told their partner they were in another relationship before. However, this “sincerity” is fictitious, as infidelity depends not only on fraud, but also on the impact on the person to whom we are committed.

This is not an indication of “sincerity,” but pure cynicism. They literally wash their hands; by lies and wisdom, they transfer responsibility for their behavior to another person.

“It’s your decision, you already know who I am,”  they say calmly, trying to get rid of the responsibility. Unbelieving people are selfish by their very nature. For them, destroying other people’s lives is a play.

However, if the relationship is open and both are adults, ultimately it is the choice of both of them. But when it comes to a situation where one exploits the insecurity or emotional dependence of the other,  we are no longer talking about a symmetrical relationship, but rather a psychological assault.

If I don’t love and respect myself, no one else will

man and bird

Many women and men fall into this trap. But the love that allows and even supports such things is not healthy. After all, it’s not even love.

Beautiful face, good body, nice words, great details, loneliness, routines and boredom… Sadly, the reasons to justify infidelity can be up to a million… But one thing is for sure,  then once it happens, the couple will never be the same again.

the woman was involved in infidelity

Not all infidelity means that a relationship would be impossible. There are no absolute truths, much less when it comes to the realm of love. But it’s certain that it all depends on the people involved, the circumstances in which the events occur, and how the couple handles those events.

Can you overcome infidelity? Yes absolutely. But if it is preceded by a devotion that has been despised, it will leave a bitter taste in the mouth, and will require a lot of both people to stay together.

Photos by Duk, Micao Shin, Pascal Campion

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