Svetlana Allilujeva: Biography Of Stalin’s Little Sparrow

Svetlana Allilujeva is a reflection of a man trapped between the coordinates of history. His father, who was a respected figure in the communist world and hated by the capitalist world, was at the same time a dear, feared and hated father figure to Allilujeva. During her life, Svetlana Allilujeva was never able to escape the stamp left by her father’s politics.
Svetlana Allilujeva: Biography of Stalin's Little Sparrow

Svetlana Allilujeva was probably the only person in the world in front of whom the heart of the dreaded Soviet leader Joseph Stalin melted. At least that was what happened when Alliluyeva was just a child and was not yet able to make contact between the loving man who played with him and the Soviet leader who had sown horror both in his own kingdom and around the world.

This woman surprised the world in the 1960s when she left the then Soviet Union and sought asylum from her father’s great opponent, the United States. From that moment on, Allilujeva became a so-called propaganda trophy in the context of the famous Cold War. His name was used to distort and undermine faith in the system run by his father.

The suffering and contradictions experienced by Svetlana Allilujeva explain why she changed her name so many times. She was born in Moscow in the then Soviet Union on February 28, 1926 under the name Svetlana Iosifovna Stalina, but later after her father’s death she changed her father’s surname to her mother’s surname and became Svetlana Alliluyeva. Jumping into the United States, Allilujeva decided to leave her Russian name entirely behind and lived the last decades of her life as Lana Petersina.

Svetlana Allilujeva was probably the only person in the world in front of whom the heart of Soviet leader Joseph Stalin melted for all to fear.
Young Svetlana Allilujeva sits in the arms of Soviet security chief Lavrenti Berija, in the background Allilujeva’s father Josif Stalin (burning a barrel) and Soviet Bolshevik politician Nestor Lakoba.

Svetlana Alliluyeva and a paradoxical childhood

Svetlana Allilujeva was the only daughter of Soviet Communist leader Joseph Stalin. Stalin also had other children; two sons, the eldest of which was the product of Stalin’s first marriage, and the younger son he had with Svetlana’s mother, Nadezhda Allilujeva. The authors of this biography of the dreaded leader have pointed out that only three people in the world had been able to influence the feelings of this fierce warrior ; and one of them was Stalin’s mother, Ekaterina Geladze.

The other was his first wife, Jekaterina Svanidze, whom he had truly loved and who died of tuberculosis at a young age. It is said that Joseph Stalin was never the same man again after the loss of his beloved wife. The third was the result of his love affair and his only daughter, Svetlana, with whom one of the most brutal and feared men in Russian history played and teased, and whom he also pampered.

Svetlana Allilujeva completed her studies inside the closed doors of the Kremlin, as if no other world existed. He lived in a kind of tower built of ivory, completely ignoring what was happening among his people. As was customary at the time, he was raised by a babysitter. His father did not spend much time with young Svetlana, but Stalin always managed to show his daughter, in the form of gifts and affections, how he cared about this. On the contrary, Svetlana’s mother was somewhat more distant.

The tragic death of the mother

When Svetlana Allilujeva was only 6 years old, her mother died suddenly. The official version reported that he had suffered a fatal seizure caused by an outbreak of the colon.

Although the death of the All-Strong Mother has always been a mystery, today we have ample evidence that the death of Svetlana’s mother, nicknamed “Nadia,” was not natural. This had been hopelessly in love with Stalin, but when he ended up studying at university, his eyes finally opened to all the horrors that Stalin had committed in the Soviet Union at the time.

Nadia was one of the few people to accuse Stalin of being a executioner right in front of his eyes. The day before his death, he had had a heated public dispute with the dreaded Soviet leader; even witness statements claiming that Stalin beat Nadia in public can be found in history books today.

The next day Nadezhda Alliluyeva was found dead in her bed, a bullet in her heart. He seemed to have committed suicide, but many still do not rule out the possibility that Joseph Stalin was behind the murderous death and murdered him. Svetlana Allilujeva, on the other hand, was forced to believe the official version of her mother’s death.

Svetlana Allilujeva was never able to get over the simultaneous anger-love relationship she felt for her father

Sad awakening and escape to the United States

Growing up, Svetlana Alliluyeva slowly began to realize that things in her country were not as she had once believed in them. Until the age of 16, he maintained a close and loving bond with his father. At this age, Svetlana, who already knew English, received an article written in that language stating that her mother’s death had in fact been suicide.

This article sparked a great deal of disagreement with the same man who had been a beloved and respected father figure to Allilujeva for years. At a later stage, Allilujeva fell in love with the Jewish-born film director Alexei Kapler, who was much older than Allilujeva. Father Stalin did not accept the relationship and to end the relationship right from the start, he ordered Kapler to be arrested and the man was taken to Siberia for forced labor.

At the age of 19, Svetlana Alliluyeva married, perhaps due only to the revolt against her father, and the union gave birth to her first child, Iosif Alliluyeva. The marriage with Grigori Morozov was the first of a total of four fleeting marriages of Allilujeva, which left behind two daughters in addition to Iosif’s son.

When Allilujeva’s father died, he was forbidden to talk about the leader’s private life. Allilujeva could never get over the hate-love relationship she felt for her father. About 14 years after the death of his father, he traveled to India to shoulder the burden of this dreaded Communist leader. Her then 19- and 16-year-olds were left alone. In April 1967, Allilujeva arrived in the United States and began working as a writer. He was paid three million dollars for his autobiography.

In the United States, Svetlana Allilujeva remarried and from this marriage she had the youngest and last child, Olga. After a new divorce and all the ups and downs caused by the political shadow that followed him, Allilujeva tried to commit suicide in 1991, but failed. He died of cancer in Wisconsin, USA in 2011, but had expressly expressed his will before his death that his body would not be transferred to Russia for burial.

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