Stress And Hyperthyroidism: A Link With Serious Consequences

Stress and hyperthyroidism: a link with serious consequences

There is a very significant link between stress and hyperthyroidism. We often do not understand how chronic stress can affect health. The cortisol hormone, which is associated with hyperactivity and hyperresponsiveness (i.e., stress), causes changes not only by increasing thyroid function, but also by affecting the adrenal glands.

We know that disorders related to thyroid function are very common and that they develop under the influence of several factors. Thus, autoimmune diseases such as Graves’ disease, pregnancy, changes in the pituitary gland, or iodine imbalance can lead to hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism.

We don’t always understand how much our emotions can change our bodies. They can really affect our metabolism. Studies published in the journal Thyroid Research show that there is an association between cortisol levels and TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone).

In other words, stress is a risk factor for hyperthyroidism. Pressure, anxiety, and constant worry over months or years affect our thyroid function by accelerating its function.

the doctor examines the patient's neck

The link between stress and hyperthyroidism

New diagnoses related to thyroid changes are published every day. We can’t forget that thyroid hormones have a lot of functions to do. They are essential to keep our tissues healthy and to fulfill metabolic functions such as protein synthesis.

Therefore, patients with hyperthyroidism usually suffer from many different symptoms and different disorders. These symptoms and associated conditions can be summarized as follows:

  • Unusual nervousness and restlessness.
  • Mood swings that make a person irritable.
  • Feeling of weakness.
  • Increased appetite.
  • Weight loss despite appetite.
  • Memory and difficulty concentrating.
  • Goiter: Symptoms associated with hyperthyroidism in which a person suffers from a swelling of the throat and has difficulty swallowing, drinking or talking.
  • Hair loss or thinning.
  • Thinner skin.
  • Poor heat resistance.
  • Changes during menstruation.
  • Tachycardia.
  • Insomnia.
tired woman

Diseases caused by the thyroid gland affect men more than women. However, once a diagnosis is made, we don’t always stop to think about what could have caused it.

Proper care is really important because a therapeutic action plan improves the patient’s quality of life. Because there is a direct link between stress and hyperthyroidism, we also need to know how the body produces it.

Stress and hyperthyroidism: a change in thyroid antibodies

In 2012, Dutch universities funded an extensive and comprehensive study to investigate the link between stress and hyperthyroidism. Significant results from this study were published in the journal Psychoneuroendocrinology . The study found that cortisol has serious effects on thyroid function in stressful situations.

  • Thyroid antibodies change and attack the body itself, causing changes  such as fatigue, sleep disturbances, indigestion, hair loss, thinning skin, etc. Changes also occur at the cognitive level, resulting in difficulty concentrating and severe mood swings.
  • People with panic disorder often suffer from thyroid problems. This disease causes a cycle that leads to classical hyperthyroidism and has serious clinical effects.
stress and hyperthyroidism are interrelated

Prevention of stress-induced hyperthyroidism

There is an effective treatment for hyperthyroidism (whether caused by stress or not): drugs, or thyrostats. However, the case of each patient is different. Every patient needs a professional diagnosis to find the most appropriate and effective treatment for him or her.

In addition to treatment, we should understand how these conditions can be prevented. The trigger is not always stress because there are also autoimmune diseases. But because certain psychological conditions cause metabolic changes, we need to know how to deal with these situations. Some of the key causes are:

  • Limited stress over time does not affect the thyroid gland. The problem is chronic stress that we do not address, manage, or face. Therefore, every day we need to pay attention to every concern, every complex emotion and distraction in our mind. Don’t leave a shadow tomorrow that bothers you today.
  • Give yourself quality time. During the day, we have to be at least two hours to ourselves. Exercise or techniques such as awareness skills are very effective in dealing with stress.
  • Also take care of your diet and improve your lifestyle. Focus on quality rest and positive social relationships.

In summary, because stress and hyperthyroidism are interrelated, caring for emotions means investing in health. If we get up, get dressed, and take a shower every day, we must also remember that we must participate in our complex inner universe every day.

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