Sometimes All We Need Is Caresses

Sometimes we need nothing more than caresses

Sometimes we need nothing more than caresses. We don’t want to hear the same, old phrases we’ve heard so many times before. We want a hand that moves slowly on our skin to give us its approval, welcome us and show our appreciation…

Few things soothe the mind as much as simple caressing. Through humanistic psychology as well as transactional analysis, it has been found that every person needs the touch of a person they love to feel “accepted”.

Nothing is more pleasant than an unexpected caress, like a touch from someone who is able to touch the most gently, even though it is already covered by thousands of scars.

Sensory deprivation, or the absence of sensory stimuli, is a reality experienced by more than just babies with their mother. It also occurs in relationships and can happen at any time. These are ties that lack a certain number of contacts in which a person receives recognition through caresses, hugs or beautiful words…

In such relationships, affection or transcendental love is not conveyed to the other at all. A child who suffers from sensory deprivation towards their mother develops much more slowly than normal and may later also experience mental difficulties.

On a spiritual level and in a relationship, it can happen that their simple caresses do not contain enough of the indirect knowledge that helps build an authentic relationship.

In such cases, the other party to the relationship feels empty and doubts both the feelings that prevail in the relationship and its authenticity. Caressing is the food our soul and emotional brain needs to help us feel part of this world. Some of the things we love.

Caressing: a psychological, biological, and social necessity

couple lying on sofa

Caressing is a powerful weapon, a necessary gesture that includes a whole world of emotions, inner balance, and psychological well-being. We all need to be recognized.

It is also said that the way a person has received caresses in his childhood is the way they expect to receive them from others as well.

If they have never been allowed to receive caresses, it is very likely that they will not be able to give them either. However, their need for caresses is undoubtedly very intense, even if they themselves do not properly recognize this need. It is complex because many of the shortcomings we experience in childhood affect many aspects of our adulthood.

Although there are great differences between people, the need for touch, intimacy, and affection is universal. It occurs not only in humans but also in animals. In fact, we can see this in our pets.

Let’s get acquainted with the basic features related to caresses and psychological references.

The power of selfless caress

For caressing to have an impact and meaning, it must be selfless. I caress your face with my hand because my heart feels that way because I experience you as part of myself. I do so selflessly, selflessly.

Caressing is something above all sensory stimuli. Caressing is known on the skin, but for it to be authentic and selfless, it needs to evoke positive emotions.

If caressing is honest and selfless, there is enough reciprocity involved. Two people recognize that they are part of the other. These caresses are the language that binds them together.

couple hugging in the rain

Every caress I give you is part of me

People don’t caress each other just to provide enjoyment, reassurance, care, or praise. We caress each other to care about part of ourselves and to form a bond.

It remains for the other person to interpret whether the caress is authentic or not. Namely, we should not forget that there is also caressing that can cause us harm. Hypocritical or ironic caressing can destroy the bond.

Caressing can tell us a lot. For this reason, we should give them calmly and tenderly, conveying those feelings that do not need words.

Caressing as part of a healthy affection

On our website, we often talk about affection. While it is true that attachment is often seen as “addiction” or excessive hanging in another, from a humanistic or emotional perspective, a person needs healthy attachment to create a bond with another person.

Caressing is a gesture through which we incorporate one or more other people into our existence. They become part of our hearts. We need skin contact to get confirmation of our feelings.

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