Social Networks Can Be The End Of Your Relationship

Social networks can be the end of your relationship

Gustavo Cerati once said that “seduction is almost never where you think”. It seems that a similar effect occurs in social networks, which are not only a means of making contact, but also a means of losing connection and ending a relationship.

Is it possible that social networks have become weapons of mass destruction in human relationships? According to various studies, they appear to have caused millions of divorces. This is no exaggeration.

Let’s not forget that while we interact through social networks, we also make much of our lives public. Facebook and Twitter updates introduce the private lives of millions of people.

In addition to this, social networks have become an influential way to communicate with others. There are more than 20 million Facebook users in Spain alone, which is almost half the population. This is more scary when you think of the whole world. The number of users exceeds 1.5 billion. It’s easy to see how much social networks have an impact on our lives. For many people, they have become invaluable.

Divorces caused by social networks

While many studies analyze the impact of social networks on our lives, we intend to focus specifically on one conducted by the North American Journal of Psychology.

According to the latest information, Facebook has caused about 28 million divorces worldwide. This may seem like an exaggeration, but just a few years ago, the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers confirmed these figures when it suggested that Facebook has been involved in 20 percent of American divorces.


So far, we have focused on Facebook, as it is the most important social network in the world today. But remember that there are many others as well: Twitter, Instagram, Google+, Pinterest, etc. Some users have even used these to end their romantic relationship.

Why do social networks cause divorce?

If your relationship is on a solid footing and you have a sensible attitude towards social networks, nothing is going to happen. This information is not a cause for concern. Nonetheless, there are certain factors that affect the relationship between social networks and divorce.

We turn again to information, this time to one who explores the use of social networks in search of casual or permanent relationships. According to a prestigious magazine, 58% of men and 80% of women surveyed used social networks to find a dating club.


Apparently, couples who have ended in a dead end in their relationship, who haven’t taken care of it, or who are simply unhappy for some reason, use social networks as a way to meet new people and start friendships that can turn into something more. But there are other reasons:

  • The constantly flowing information of other people shows users that there is no reason to stay in an unhappy relationship. Social networks present a large number of charming, showy, harmonious profiles. They are a window into the world of stimulation.
  • According to many studies of human relations,  the tolerance for facing problems has decreased. Today, with all the information, it’s easy to find other quick alternatives to the maturity of a relationship, and instead of deepening our feelings for one particular person.
  • Uncertainty is another powerful factor that influences differences. Excessive control over the other person is accentuated, as you can see his or her update, the time he or she logs in, his or her photo, and his or her interaction. This creates a certain kind of mistrust and fear that can end up blocking communication and mutual respect.
  • Continuous exposure to potential partners can be one reason. Maybe your relationship isn’t on a very solid footing, but on social networks you can make contact with people who are similar to you, looking for adventure or dating. Many of them are convincing, and that’s why you need to make your intentions very clear to avoid falling into dangerous waters.

Clearly, social networks have changed the way we see the world, and so do romantic relationships. If they are not treated with common sense and rationality, they can create uncertainty, fear, or sadness. So take care of the person who is next to you, and remember that social networks are just for entertainment, not lifestyle.

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