Smile About Why You Cried Before

Smile at why you cried before

Many moments have left a mark on our lives, including those that have made us feel bitterness, or those that have brought us disappointment, something contrary to our expectations. Moments related to certain circumstances, but also to people; moments that changed the relationship in a matter of seconds. Moments that changed everything without considering the consequences, even though we were as careful as possible.

Traces have also been left by people who have taken advantage of your moments of reflection or stabbed you in the back. Afterwards, you have to suffer all the damage, just because you wanted to minimize it, and the other person took advantage of your space for reflection and thus stopped everything. You had to carry the weight of anger from the feeling of stupidity on your shoulders, and even if you were just trying to protect both of you, you were the only one that ended up hurting.

You realize that when you tried to cause as little damage as possible, someone cheated on you. Without a trace of dignity. This causes anger and resentment, and it may even make you feel stupid. A feeling you didn’t expect to feel in life.

However, you have every right to feel about it. You can live perfectly with it, but you don’t know when that feeling will disappear forever. Suddenly, one day, without you even being aware of it,  there will come a moment when you will think “what a blessed moment, I am free!”

Stop because this is a great moment: goodbye to anger, welcome indifference and humor. A smile of relief that follows from the realization that we have liberated ourselves. This is really valuable. To taste it, you first had to act with a clear conscience, you had to be hurt, and maybe feel resentment for a while.

You have gone through what you had to go through; this was like a lottery ticket you played like anyone who dares to play and also lose. The big prize was this smile, be it alone or in company.

Disappointments in life are a detoxification of the future

Dealing with disappointment or fraud is not easy. And it’s not easy to be stuck in a roundabout that always puts you in the same disputes. Prolonging an uncomfortable situation because of habits or pity means stepping into an eternal spiral of stress. No one is toxic per se; this way of thinking is wrong. But there are toxic relationships, or relationships that can become toxic. Identifying and stopping them is not easy, especially if you are trying to do this mature.

Never feel like you are doing wrong if you try to do something kindly but you become deceived. In the future, you’ll learn signs that you don’t want to be with someone until they start to cause harm. You will learn to close the doors without making a fuss and without the doors hitting them. You will also learn to accept that others have the same rights to do so for you.

tree and girl

The fact that we want to do things right in life says a lot about us. Ending 40-year-old marriages, ending childhood friendships, or leaving our jobs that have turned from opportunities to punishment are big things.

But some people don’t make the effort to do this with caution. They compete to get ahead, betraying you cruelly, clumsily, and without feeling fear. Never feel ridiculous because you want to do things well to keep things tidy. You will feel angry, but just let that anger flow.

The next time you see signs of wear and tear, stop taking detours. No more prolonged harmless relationships. Do things in the best way possible: with complete indifference.

After anger and indifference, a smile finally arrives

The development of others is not your business, for even the most heartless people can be lucky. Think about where you are now, and compare it to where you would like to be, and understand the value of staying on your path despite all the temptations others have fallen into. This, and nothing else, is the best point of reference to help you maintain your sensitivity during the necessary goodbyes, despite the disappointment.

We are not going to deny that keeping ourselves apart from certain people and our lifelong habits is a cumbersome process. You think you’re going to lose your identity, and every blow feels like a bottomless pit. In reality, we don’t know if we’re changing for the better or for the worse, until one day we start to reminisce differently about what sometimes killed us spiritually.

butterflies have left a mark on our lives

We don’t feel weird. We look at our hands, feel the weight of our feet, and become aware of our being. Without asking for help from anyone, and without anyone offering help, we stay upright. We understand that in our light being we find all our potential to be truly present.

We do not need anyone’s approval. We don’t care if we are losers in the eyes of others. We have won the battle that could only be fought within us. We start laughing, whether we laugh alone or in the company of others. Before and after the anger, we feel proud that we have acted authentically and in harmony with ourselves.

A smile is authentic only when you are at peace with yourself, despite the fact that the circumstances were awkward and you took the risk of being betrayed, which eventually happened as well. Now your smile is an echo of that fact, even if someone betrayed you, you didn’t betray yourself.

Now you know how this process works, and it helps a lot. It’s best to laugh every last time, because he doesn’t laugh at anyone. Instead, he looks from afar as those who cause the damage sink deeper into the darkness they have created themselves.

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