Slow Motion: The Slower The Better

Slow movement: the slower the better

Slow movement is a cultural transition that begins with the youngest generations. Only a moment ago, our goal was to do everything faster. And while this has brought tremendous benefits, it has also driven people to the brink of a nervous breakdown.

Slow movement is power. It is true that moving from one continent to another in a matter of hours is awesome. At the same time, however, people began to realize that two minutes of making love or three minutes of lunch made little sense.

Experiencing things at the speed of light is not the same thing as experiencing things. If we constantly want things faster and faster, our stress and anxiety will start to grow a little quietly. In the end, it is not life. Quite the opposite: life shortens when we live it brazenly.

Slow movement appeals to slowness in vital areas of life. It is not a centralized movement, and it does not come from any particular group. Slow movement has several origins. However, the red thread is found in calming the constant momentum of the modern world .

Slow down the movement with food

The first area that paved the way for slow movement was food. It all started when McDonald’s landed in Rome in 1986.

Roman chefs were furious. One of the world’s oldest areas of culinary tradition could not suddenly have to compete with the fast food chain.

slow food

Italians, like many other cultures with a long culinary history, do not define their food with speed or ease. The opposite is true.

A good cheese or wine depends entirely on time. And the best dishes last for hours and even the end of the day.

In 1989, the world’s best chefs signed the Slow Food Manifesto in Paris. The Slow Food Manifesto was an agreement based on the rejection of fast food chains.

The manifesto was introduced to protect good food and traditions. This is how the first slow movement was born.

Slow fashion trends

Fashion was another area that slow movement won over. It sounds a bit contradictory, because fashion itself is a concept that is very much related to short-term things. The so-called fast fashion is still incredibly powerful.

However, the world of fashion has gained steam under the movement, trying to make fashion more environmentally responsible and socially sustainable.

dancer on the water

The movement really got steam underneath after a tragic accident at a textile factory in Bangladesh in 2013. The tragedy revealed how the fashion industry was full of appalling conditions for workers and adverse environments.

Slow fashion wants people to stop hauling cheap clothes. Usually, these clothes do not last longer than six months. And cycle it like starting again.

It makes more sense to buy slightly more expensive clothes, but better quality. As we can see, slow movement is also a rejection of the discard culture.

Fashion into food and our innermost being

The slow movement began with food and shifted to clothing. Eventually, it also extended to other areas, such as construction and travel. Now we can also talk about “slow cities.”

From this perspective, people dream of cities with no more than 50 thousand inhabitants. From cities where the infrastructure is adapted to walking and cycling.

Slow education has also come along. It is a perspective that encourages schools to respect the individual pace of learning of their students. This will make school timetables more flexible for children and young people.

The purpose is to fit everything into life cycles. They want it to act as a motivation and interest in running a school.

boy and dog on the beach

Movement is a revolutionary way of looking to the future. It has become increasingly clearer and clearer that we are not just teeth in production chains.

We are people who are looking for meaning in life. There is no doubt that slowness as a concept will continue to grow in the future and give us hope in a dizzying world.

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