Skills For Professional Success

Skills for achieving professional success

The path to success requires a mixture of several factors, there is no doubt about that. Experts say that professional skills are not so much necessary to achieve a goal, but rather what we call “soft skills”.

For example, when you arrive for a job interview: “hard” skills are the ones that make you step into the first meeting, but “soft” skills determine whether you get a job or not.

What is the difference between soft and hard skills?

In a professional environment, “hard” skills are those areas of expertise that relate to the career or company itself and allow you to succeed in a particular task.

In information technology, for example, it would mean programming languages ​​and their implementation. Writing, on the other hand, would be about knowing the language and the ability to convey feelings and thoughts.

You may be asking yourself now: why did thousands of programmers and writers never reach the peak of their careers and why did other, perhaps less talented people achieve success and gain recognition?

The answer is found in “soft” skills. Meaning, abilities, and characteristics range from work habits to social performance, all the way to self-knowledge, leadership, and emotional intelligence.

These are skills that complement them “hard” but make a difference in achieving long-awaited and desired goals. Soft skills can be present in every person, although there are not many who really know how to take advantage of them.

How to benefit from soft skills

Soft skills are skills, behaviors, and habits that set you apart from others. In other words, they set you apart from your peers, colleagues, and competitors.

You can use them when you try to get a new job, promotion, or promotion. They are also useful in conflict resolution, projects, and interacting with other people.

Currently, large companies around the world do not want to hire only qualified professionals. They want to hire people who show their value, energy, commitment and efficiency in all areas of work.

You may have dozens of certificates, diplomas, or certifications, and you still fail to achieve much of your desired goal. Why? Because you still have to work and learn your soft skills.

What are the best skills for success?

  1. Social Skills : As mentioned earlier, a person may be very competent in theory, but if it is not passed on to others, it is difficult to get far. Successful professionals are the ones who understand what motivates the group. This in turn connects with people from a psychic perspective. In other words, they add value to their fellow human beings, not just knowledge. Think of the best teacher you have ever had in college or high school. Was he best to teach his knowledge of a particular subject, or because he was an awesome person?
  2. Openness to criticism:  It is true that no one likes criticism, especially if we think we are perfect or particularly competent in what we do. Even more when it comes to work. Openness to different opinions and perspectives is essential for professional success. Keep in mind that the best advice may come from the least expected sources. A person who is not an expert in the same field and does not have dozens of testimonials hanging on the wall can give you a new and objective perspective on what you are doing. Don’t take a defensive stance when you get criticism, as it condemns you to failure. Learn to listen and critique criticism quietly and learn from it.
  3. Productive Ways: There are numerous ways to support productivity, such as creating routines or maintaining agendas. Most successful professionals never miss their schedules, rain or shine. They often also set alerts to remind them of their next meetings, are punctual, and implement a daily work system that leaves no room for disruptions. They have time to relax, have fun and do other personal activities after leaving the office or business. At home, it is important to remember to sleep, eat well, and forget about work-related problems. Take breaks along the way if necessary. You can’t perform very tired. These are all productive ways.
  4. Perseverance: First, it’s important to be honest with yourself and acknowledge your mistakes in a timely manner (which doesn’t mean digging your own grave or kicking). Many companies put these types of values ​​ahead of skills and abilities. They like more those who admit they were wrong and don’t make the same mistake again, or those who have the courage to say “I don’t know” or “I don’t understand”. Humanity is one of the values ​​that multinational companies value today. So to succeed, you need to be honest, objective and responsible, and always trust your project.

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