Reliable People Are Like A Home We Can Always Return To

Reliable people are like a home we can always return to

Fortunately, there are wonderful people we can always come back to, even if it feels like we’ve been around for a while as well as light years apart. They represent us with warmth and intimacy, contact at first sight. Being with them, we can almost touch the presence of unbreakable and unique harmony by hand.

These people smell, at least in our own noses, confusingly from home. They bring to mind those patches that at some point in our lives covered all our spiritual wounds,  just like that healing ointment that eventually healed all those stinging wounds, and that comforting and soothing voice that calmed us in a moment of need. It was thanks to these people that we really began to believe that the intolerable moments of our lives were just that — mere transient moments in our lives.

“Human homes smell of absolute love and acceptance. They smell of affection, just like the long and tight crunches during which you close your eyes, smile majestically, and hope the hug never ends. These people smell of friendship, love, and a chosen family.

They have always stood and will always stand by your side and they will trust you even when you have already surrendered to yourself. They’re not really trying to stop you from bumping or falling, but they have the ability to say to you exactly those comforting words  that can only be provided by someone who has turned your wounds into lessons. ”

-Repair of broken wings-

Braid of four girls

“Human homes” that are as strong as steel are the people who know and dare to  hug you so tightly that they will have put all the parts back in their right places,  those who will make your fears and pains go away. Those who have taught you goodness and shown you that the world is, in fact, an absolutely insanely wonderful place. 

We can thank these people for now finding motivating reasons in our lives to do our best and be happy every single day. And thanks for their patience, thank you for finally realizing that good things are worth the wait.

Patience is a skill that frames our spiritual freedom. If our wounds just blow, it will relieve the pain momentarily. With these people, we are no longer afraid to look at life as it is, with all its ups and downs.

We have learned that even if it sometimes seems difficult, we do not know the value of staying strong until we have no other choice. We may sometimes fall as we walk the path of our lives, but we always get back on our feet, for this person once showed us that we really do find tremendous strength and courage.

But if at some point we are faced with a situation where we cannot be strong, they are like walking sticks or support points to us, reminding us over and over that we  will always have a place we can return to and gather ourselves once again. piled up intact. 

Friendships hug

In their hearts is a unique machine: kindness

You will be able to identify them effortlessly, because  already when you encounter them for the very first time, you have felt like you are a better person.  They have made you stronger and enriched your life in the most diverse ways possible.

You probably know at least one and probably more people who seem to be mind-bogglingly hard – just like made of steel – and whose engine seems to run on just a mixture of two different fuels: love and understanding.

I know nothing as warm and comforting as the warmth and presence of the human homes I know. These individuals are not just our family, friends, or counselors; they are a flame blazing within us. And it is precisely through the love they have given us that we have learned to understand that everything can catch fire if given enough sparks. 

They saved us after the fall and helped us build ourselves larger and more load-bearing wings. They restored our faith in our dreams and, above all, in ourselves. And at the same time, they made us fear and worry less and look to the future with bright eyes and confident minds.

They are incredibly beautiful people who smell the fresh sea breeze and taste the waves plowing the sea. They have a great ability to approach the people they love with meaningful words and gazes, to hug them firmly, and to make even the most lustful wounds magically disappear, turning them into valuable scars reminiscent of past experiences.

They are able to see through the smile we may sometimes use to mask the pain that freezes our innermost selves and prevent ourselves from collapsing completely. They have the ability to turn that forced smile into genuine joy and a joyful grin. These people  know us so thoroughly that they can immediately tell if we are really sincere in answering the rumors when asked,  “I have good.”

Through all the spiritual wealth they have shared with us over the years,  we will never be able to express enough descriptively what these people represent and what they mean to us. When it comes to gratitude, it is quite obvious that we will always experience that we owe them a great debt of gratitude. While it never seems to be enough to just say it, we want to say it though: Eternal thanks for everything.

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