Quotes To Help You Continue When Depression Strikes

Quotes to help you continue when depression strikes

Depression is a complex problem. Many people live with it for years without showing any signs of it. Others are more open about it. What all people with depression have in common is that they have to face it as a challenge every day.

When depression gets you captive, think about the following quotes. They are not solutions to your problems, but they will help you look at it from a more hopeful perspective.

Life does not have to be perfect. The downhills and uphills are evidence that we are moving forward on the path. It is typical that depression prevents you from seeing the wonderful things in your life. However, that doesn’t mean you should stop existing.

Think of the people who love you and those you love. Give yourself time to be depressed, but then continue your journey.

One day you will realize that all wounds are signs in the soul that make you the person you are.

If you do not learn to heal from the past, you cannot have a happy future. Sometimes you just have to lock yourself up and cry so you can temporarily heal your heart and see what you need to resolve.

This is just part of the process. The most rewarding part is when you start acting. It may take years before you decide to do so, but no one else can make the decision for you. Find the help you need and give yourself permission to receive it.


Life is so short-lived and shaky that when we compare ourselves to history, we are just a breath. For this reason, it is imperative that we learn to live happily. Don’t limit yourself to just watching the fleeting days but look for reasons to smile. Even if you’re in the middle of bad times and just want to cry and hide from the world.

Chat with friends, surround yourself with special people and laugh. You don’t want to get old and find that you’re missing out on just these things.

When you are tied to the past, you will not be able to start the future.  That’s when life looks gray and meaningless.

The secret is not forgetting, but living with the past in a way that you can build the kind of life you want. What’s stopping you? Is it really something so powerful that it can stop you from moving forward, or are you giving it power over something insignificant?

Do not blame yourself. We have all stumbled sometimes. It is more important to realize that you can continue to move forward despite these adversities.

Depressed, you are your own worst enemy. This is not the case with all problems. You drift into a vicious circle of guilt, pain, sorrow, and loneliness. But don’t let this happen! You own your own life and you have to take responsibility for it and control it. Only you can decide how and when to stop suffering.

I’m sure no one else thinks of you as badly as you do. Find reasons to appreciate yourself and other people to minimize what hurts you.

Shackles broken

Living day by day is one of the ideas that addicted people should live by. Do you know why? Because you can’t plan a lifetime if you haven’t decided to fight from today.

It doesn’t matter that you don’t like it. You need to get up and put yourself together every day. Clean your home and make sure you take care of all your responsibilities.

A good strategy is to keep yourself busy. The longer you do nothing, the more likely the depression will overcome.

What are you waiting for? Fight for yourself

Only those who have experienced depression know how difficult it is to get ahead. No one can judge you for feeling weak and not wanting to move on. But you have to do something to keep going, because no one else can fight for you.

Life is about facing one challenge at a time. Now is the time to fight the grief and show your smile.

Cry, shout or express yourself the way you want, but after that, move on. There is still a lot to do and see tomorrow.

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