Perseverance Helps Achieve Dreams

Perseverance helps you achieve your dreams

Nothing in the world can replace perseverance, not even skill. It is the quality that brings consistency to human nature, it is the virtue that helps to achieve dreams. Perseverance is the bridge between our conscious mind and our subconscious. It is a direct bridge to success, depending of course on other factors as well as intelligence and will.

It is normal for goals to take time. There are always obstacles on the road. But as we develop our perseverance, we find alternatives and begin to see every obstacle as an opportunity. We change our perspective and develop the ability to learn from obstacles.

Often we have the tools to achieve our goals, but we fail because we lack the willpower or perseverance. According to science, will training reduces the effect of negative moods from 70% to 17%.

A study by psychologist Wilhelm Hofmann showed that when people immediately give in to a desire or whim, they do so an estimated 70% of the time. When they try to endure, they give in to the whim only 17% of the time. Willpower thus curbs more than 80% of unwanted whims, Hofmann explains.

a man goes up the stairs

Lack of will means that when we have to make a decision, we only think about the current benefits. We do not consider its consequences and we do not see beyond our instincts.

Difficulties make us stronger, better people

Falls and crises are inevitable. Our problems, no matter how many of them, are opportunities for personal growth. They motivate us to acquire tools and skills to find solutions. Often, they also take us out of our comfort zone and bring us inevitable challenges that we would never have voluntarily taken on.

To face these situations, we must learn to interpret problems as opportunities, not problems. The best coping styles are those where we can be in the driver’s seat, identifying the causes of the problem and identifying from them those for whom we can do something.

the ant is tenacious

The only thing we can really control is how we react to difficulties. Each time we respond positively and constructively, we become stronger and better able to face the next problem or crisis. Epictetus, a philosopher of the Stoic school, wrote, “It is not things that make us unhappy, but what we think of things.”

Dreams come true

One of the great secrets to success is to teach our minds to endure. As we move towards our goals, there will be obstacles in our path. They might make us want to retreat. But don’t give up! When we make a conscious decision not to give up… it is the secret to making dreams come true.

Courage to endure adversity and disappointment is often the way to victory. A well-channeled willpower can be very rewarding. But “well-channeled” is a very important part here; there will be struggles that it is better to give up altogether, because it is better to use our energy elsewhere.

perseverance helps a woman face a new day

If we want to make our dreams come true, we must become the kind of person who teaches our will to persevere in order to obey a conscious decision, no matter how many, what kind, or how big obstacles come our way. We always find a way to move forward and achieve our goals.

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