People In Our Lives Bring Out Our Best

People in our lives bring out our best

The people in our lives are like a soothing balm when they offer us their help. They bring with them a sense of security and relief. They make our burdens lighter and bring joy to our lives. They are people whose arms we are at home with. They are wonderful people who radiate warmth and inner beauty.

These people in our lives make us realize that we are not rich until we own something that money cannot get. That treasure has a name, a face, a scent and emotions. These are the people with whom we experience unbreakable harmony. They teach us ever new dimensions of a world that is a good place with many possibilities.

a hug brings out our best

I am myself because you exist

Our own biographies are determined by the views of ourselves and others. So this means that the people in our lives play a role in the formation of our identity .  So if we build relationships with people who help us receive gentleness, beauty, tender feelings, and growing  awareness, we will reflect the values ​​and emotional expressions conveyed by this exchange of experiences.

That is why there are people who will become our home and safe haven. When they step into the picture, we know they are a part of our lives because in interaction we bring out the best in each other. Together with them, we weave into an atmosphere of miraculous gentleness in the light of conscious  growth .

The people with whom we feel at home while hugging us so firmly that all the broken pieces inside us are glued back into place. Their strength is like stainless steel, making our fears and sorrows disappear. They teach us ever new dimensions of the good aspects of life by showing that the world is full of miracles.

Woman in the middle of flowers

Creating a real connection brings comfort

There is no more comforting warmth than a deep, intense connection. It is equally impossible to know who we really are without contact with others.  Only through such a connection can we begin to both water our garden and become nourished through it. When the people in our lives help us take steps on the path to self-knowledge,

  • We find our strengths
  • We are replenishing our resources to meet the challenges of life
  • We enrich our life skills

We cannot define ourselves unless we understand the impact that the people around us have on us. They soften our identity and bring out our best. They are created for us, the spark needed to illuminate our qualities and develop the knowledge of life.

Woman sitting with birds

They protect us from tripping by helping us spread our wings even wider. They bring our dreams to life and wean us from our fears. They help us choose which sorrows are worth going through and from which we should just let go.

We must hold on to those people who caress us with their words, look with love, make even the worst wounds of emotional life disappear, and change us for the better. They make a smile rise over our pain. They unite our hearts and help us feel warm.

It’s great to have people around us just when we need them. Therefore, those people in our lives who enlighten us in the midst of the darkest shadows also deserve to share the brightest moments with us. They deserve our gratitude, warmth, affection, and happiness. They deserve a celebration in the form of dignity and esteem. They deserve their rewards. They deserve our recognition for them as people whose hearts are pure gold.

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