Our Destiny Will Not Knock On Our Door

Our destiny will not knock on our door

Fate does not provide home delivery. If we want to face our destiny, we need to go out and look for it instead of waiting for it to knock on the door. While we think that life itself will magically satisfy our desires, our hopes will not come true if we do not work hard to fulfill them. In fact, that may not be enough either.

I dare say that the best moments in life are those where we take the reins into our own hands. The moments we make decisions are as difficult as they may be. It allows us to choose our own path. Instead of praying or waiting for the universe to give us a signal of what to do, we should know what we want to achieve so we can begin to work on their implementation.

Our decisions mark our destiny

We create our own destiny with every step we take and every choice we make. However, many people think that good things will happen if they simply relax and wait for fate to take over. From my point of view, it doesn’t work. The only way we can get what we want is to work hard for it.

red sky

On the other hand, some people believe that our destiny is already pre-written. According to this idea, the things we should do in our lives are already set. This means that we are not here by chance, but there is a purpose to our existence.

No matter what we believe, the truth is that our destinies are individual and we all create them through our decisions. We just have to fight for what we want. We all need to do what we think is appropriate for our lives.

Fate: superstition or reality?

Let’s look at a story that analyzes how fate may or may not affect our lives.

David was a very pious and attentive man, a devout Jew. One night while he was sleeping, an angel appeared in his sleep.

“David,” said the angel. “ I will come from heaven to grant you a wish.  God decided to reward you, so He sent you this message. You can ask what you want. When you wake up, you get it. You’ll also remember all of this so you don’t think it was your imagination. So what do you want? ”

David thought for a moment and then remembered that something had been bothering him for some time: his own death. He asked the angel, “I want you to tell me the exact date and time of my death.”

Upon hearing this, the angel pale even more and hesitated. “I don’t know if I can tell you that.”

“You said I could ask for anything I wanted. Well, that’s what I want. ”

“I also said it was a prize. If I tell you what you ask of me, you will live your life in worry, counting the days until your death, ”said the angel. “ It would not be a prize, but a punishment. Ask something else.”

David thought carefully. However, when the thought of death reaches someone’s head, it’s really hard to forget.

“All right, just tell me the day I die.”

The angel realized that he could do nothing to change David’s mind and that if he did not respond, he would fail in his mission of rewarding David. Therefore, he reluctantly agreed.

“Because you are a good Jewish man, you are honored to be one of those who die on the holiest day of the week. You will die on the Sabbath. ”

Having said this, the angel said goodbye. David was pleased and slept soundly until morning.

The fate of David

When he woke up, he vividly remembered everything that had happened, just as the angel told him. He was also relieved because now he knew he was going to die on Saturday.

The next few days went well, at least until Friday. That day, David began to tremble and feel fear.

Would this Saturday be the day of his death? What was the reason for the angel’s visit? What was the point of going to the temple on his last day? Since he was dying, he would rather stay home. Then David understood the mistake he had made. He knew something he shouldn’t have, and it just made him suffer.

Eventually, he thought he had found a solution. He would read the Torah every Friday night, and would not stop until he saw the first star of the day appear. The reason for this was that no one should die while reading a holy Jewish book.

That’s what he did. Two or three months passed, and then one Saturday morning while reading the Torah, David heard someone shout desperately, “ Fire! Fire! The house is on fire! Suddenly out! Quickly! There is a fire! ”

It was the Sabbath and this made him remember the angel’s message. However, he also remembered that Zohar assured people that he was safe when reading the Torah. To convince himself more, he repeated, “Nothing is going to happen to me, I read the Torah.”

But the voices on the street shouted, “ All out now! Suddenly out!

stairway to Heaven

David trembled. This was happening to him as he tried to save himself instead of accepting his fate. Eventually he would die. He was the victim of his own attempt to save himself.

“Maybe you still have time,” he tried to tell himself. Closing the Torah, he looked up the stairs to make sure it wasn’t on fire. He ran down the stairs as fast as he could, causing him to stumble and fall to the floor, hitting his neck on the last step.

David died that Sabbath. He was so worried about his fate that he never even realized that the house across the street was on fire and the fire would never have reached his own house.

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