No One Is Too Old, There Are Just Too Many Excuses

No one is too old, there are just too many excuses

No one is too old to achieve their dreams, as success knows no age restrictions.  In your twenties, it’s common to think experience and growth are most important, in your thirties you want to achieve a certain level of stability, and in your forties your life should already be clear. However, there is no reason why it would be necessary to adhere to that timeline.

False beliefs limit us. They make us set obstacles and come up with excuses that lead to giving up things. In that case, we don’t experience things that life has planned for us, and we don’t take action ourselves. We try to suppress the desire that tells us to achieve things that make us happy. We think it is no longer appropriate because we are already too old.

Old people also have a great future ahead of them

The future  is not feasible Only for young people. Regardless of your age, you can always grow up and learn something new. Often, older people are living examples of how age really is just a number. They are persistent and refuse to give up better than younger ones.

One great example is author Harry Bernstein, who spent most of his life writing. Bernstein saw his writings being rejected time and time again, but he never gave up. He liked what he was doing, was passionate and never threw a towel in the ring. The first book written by Bernstein, The Invisible Wall , was published when he was 96 years old.

Harry Bernstein

Harry Bernstein was not discouraged and decided to pursue that thing that complemented him. How many times have you given up because you have been rejected over and over again? Old people know that rejections only test the value, effort, and permanence of a thing. Children know this too; they rarely give up after the first negative response. They know it is just the beginning of negotiations.

Years roll by, but the opportunities to make your dreams come true remain. Age still causes a lot of prejudice. If you are a certain age, you should not dress in a certain way. If you are a grandparent, you should no longer skate. While the thoughts are ridiculous, we still think about them. This is because our culture and society have developed certain codes of conduct that we should follow from a young age.

It’s never too late

Some college students are lucky to have older people as their classmates. Many educational institutions follow a plan that makes it easier for seniors to apply to university. Maybe they haven’t had the opportunity as young people to explore something that interested them. But… do older people have difficulty retaining data?


Sir Ian McKellen and Sir Patrick Stewart

Young people who don’t like their studies or don’t pay enough attention to them may have as many learning difficulties as older people. Age is not the most important thing, but your attitude and desires are. Now we present famous examples of old people who achieved a success that no one expected:

  • Samuel L. Jackson (actor): Before the age of 39, he played only minor roles. Movie Jungle Fever ( Jungle Fever) made him an icon, however, that he is today.
  • Henry Ford (founder of Ford Motor): He created the phenomenal Ford Model T only when he was 45 years old.
  • Charles Darwin (naturalist): he was never interested in social relations, and devoted himself entirely to his passion. And then, at age 50, his book Origin of Species ( On the Origin of Species) moved to the scientific community in perpetuity.
  • Julia Child (chef): At first she had a career in advertising, but at the age of 50 she decided to write her first cookbook. The cookbook was the beginning of an awesome cooking career.
  • Ray Kroc (businessman): He sold milkshakes until he was encouraged to buy McDonald’s at the age of 52. Ray transformed the brand into the world’s largest food chain.
  • Anna Mary Robertson Moses (painter): Also known as “Grandma Moses,” began her career as a painter when she was 78 years old. One of his paintings sold for $1.2 million.
It is never too late to do the things you love. What do you have to lose?

You can get a great idea when you are 50 years old. Entrepreneurial thinking can start at the age of 70. There is no expiration date for success, career, learning new things,  and completing projects. People who were born a long time ago can still realize and achieve their dreams. There are only excuses that stop people from trying new things.


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