No One Heals Themselves By Hurting Others

No one heals themselves by hurting others

No injured person heals by pushing his pain on others; especially if the push of pain is directed at the people he loves. However, it is possible that we find ourselves in this situation from time to time – even though we don’t really want or even notice it starting.

It is very sad to feel bad. It is even sadder to become aware of it. We use it as a kind of defense mechanism in which we seek to protect ourselves with the wrong instrument: increasing tension in our human relationships. We push frustration and pain towards others because we believe they will eventually forgive us.

Think about it: doesn’t it feel bad to push people out of life just because your emotional life is momentarily clogged? Isn’t it true that you’ve sometimes built walls all around just because someone attacked you?

Our heart is one of our most precious organs. We understand its different significance as a center of emotion and a partner that we need to take care of. Therefore, it is not healthy to close one’s heart – when frozen, it is only capable of giving a cold. If we suffer, we must recover. And if we don’t let that happen, we will end up hurting the people around us as well.

The healing process takes its place in us

When we explode outward in one way or another, we do not do so as a result of external provocation. We do it because the wound inside us starts to burst. Imagine that after hurting ourselves we would leave our wounds alone without cleansing and covering. What would be the consequences?

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First, the wound could become inflamed, which requires a lot of extra work to repair. Or maybe someone would walk past us and accidentally push us. In this case, we would experience pain and react negatively to the person who affected us. However, the crux of the problem does not come from that person; it stems from our inability to care for our wounds.

The heart must accept an uncomfortable situation, as most of the healing process requires understanding. It must find solutions to overcome its problems and get rid of suffering. Reflecting on the situation requires a great deal of effort and sacrifice on our part. A skipped situation can feel like a win, when in reality the situation is still on and preventing you from moving forward.

No one wants to see us like that. Why take revenge on others? 

In theory, it would be ideal if everyone kept this idea in mind: the people who are in my life are in it because they love me and they are happy to see me well; and it is not right to avenge them on my bad mood or try to remedy the situation at their expense.

Let’s go back to the assumption that even the beloved author who wrote the book Little Prince left in his work: although the initial reaction of all kinds of animals, including humans, is based on defense, not all people want to harm us in our lives. They are not to blame for what is happening in our lives.

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