Nerve Inflammation Or Depressive Inflammatory Theory

Nerve inflammation or inflammatory theory causing depression

More and more research is emerging on the theory of inflammation that causes depression. It is said that there is a stress-related link between some depressive disorders and chronic neuritis. This means that hemodynamic and lymphatic changes cause the body to release too much cytokines. This causes psychological problems.

This is not a new idea. It’s actually part of something called the physical theory of depression . Many people think it plays a big role in the development of endogenous depression. It may not seem very plausible that a few pathogens and inflammatory substances could have a major impact on our mental suffering, but the truth is that this idea has been much supported in the last few years.

There are numerous studies that can be looked at. Dr. Bruce Charlton of Buckinham University has published studies on the relationship between excessive cytokines and depression for more than a decade. Neurologist Antonio Damasio has also narrated something called the “somatic sign”. It means that our body responds physically to certain things that it sees as a threat. For example, you go through tachycardia, inflammation, fever… Psychological suffering then appears later.

Let’s take a closer look at this topic.

woman at the therapist's office

What is the basis of the theory of inflammation that causes depression?

If you went to the street now to ask people what depression is, most people would probably just tell you about the symptoms. Exhaustion, lack of energy, bad mood, despair, emptiness, gloom, bitterness and even physical pain. But if you try to get them to tell you what really leads to these crippling conditions, almost no one will be able to give you an objective answer.

The last issue is a challenge, especially in the fields of medicine and science. We should also point out that there is no clear, universally supported theory of the things that lead to this disease. That, too, makes it difficult to get the answer that there are so many different types of depressive disorder. It is a multifaceted disease that also manifests itself differently in each person.

But in the last few years, the inflammatory theory that causes depression has begun to lay the groundwork. If this is the case, it means that it is a disease that has a huge connection to people who have suffered from anxiety, stress and so on. If you want to understand it better, you can examine the information published in this 2016 study by the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry.

inflammation in the brain

Depression as a psychoneuroimmune disease

The Department of Epidemiology at the Janssen Research & Development Institute in New Jersey, USA, conducted an interesting study in which they followed 14,275 people with depression.

  • They studied them for 5 years from 2007 to 2012.
  • They also analyzed patients ’blood several times during the study. One thing that emerged was that almost 60% of patients had a 46% higher level of C-reactive protein (CRP). This protein is one sign of an inflammatory disease.
  • Many of these patients did not respond to standard treatment for depression.
  • All of these patients were also those who were dealing with stressful and / or distressing situations.
  • People who showed signs of inflammatory diseases also had a weaker immune system. It took longer for their injuries to heal, and they had more flu, allergies, and so on.

The researchers came to the conclusion that they had a psychoneuroimmune disease. An inflammatory theory of inflammation would make sense in these cases where their bodies would have a certain reaction to stressful stimuli. Higher levels of cortisol in the blood lead to their bodies releasing cytokines, vasoactive amines, nitric oxide, glucocorticoids and so on… Then all of these things eventually lead to psychological problems.

How can you reduce your risk of inflammatory depression?

The theory of inflammation that causes depression shows that you can prevent your symptoms. The main cause of this disease is stress. It’s about the way you manage your anxiety and worries. When you don’t do that and these things become chronic, your body tries to defend itself from the threat. It does not take long for biochemical changes and inflammation to begin to occur.

So if you want to avoid these paralyzing situations, you should learn some preventative methods. We will now tell you a few of them.

inflammation theory and help

Reduce your stress level

Learn to prioritize. Remember, it’s about more than just relaxing your mind. Your body also needs to see that serenity and inner balance. It is the body’s only way to find its own balance, homeostasis. So give yourself time and attention. Give yourself moments of relaxation.

Better diet

You should avoid foods that cause inflammation: sugar, white wheat, saturated fats… Here are some better foods:

  • Red berries: strawberries, cherries, red currants…
  • Lemons and oranges
  • Turmeric
  • Whole grains
  • Nuts
  • Green plants
  • Garlic
  • Pineapple
  • Tomatoes
  • Beets

Regular exercise

Half an hour of daily walking or running, swimming, dancing and so on… Put your body to exercise regularly and make it alive. Get your heart working, give your brain oxygen and let endorphins as well as serotonin warm you up.

Relaxation exercises

We talk a lot on our website about the benefits of yoga and awareness skills. The inflammatory theory that causes depression also states that such methods are a great way to get your internal balance back. But the main thing is to give yourself time to work on anything that will help you relax.

inflammatory theory causing depression: get help from yoga

Some people enjoy writing, painting, doing easy breathing exercises, or even spending time with certain people. The real goal is just to find the perfect balance where your body and mind line up. It is a space where nothing hurts or worries and where everything is comfortable and peaceful.

Try to make these things routines. They are definitely worth the effort and of course worth your life.

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