Moments Of Loneliness Delight My Soul

Moments of loneliness delight my soul

When no one looks, my soul is content. I can be like a child who plays, laughs for no reason and cries about everything when needed. Here, the adult gaze cannot judge me. When I am alone, I enjoy small joys, inaction, and dreams of everything. I can walk without clothes or immerse myself in foam and bubbles. I can take care of my sorrows and worries.

Only a few other moments are as necessary as our intimate, solitary moments. Intimacy is important, sometimes pleasant, but above all vital. For when no one is watching, our souls can relax and let go of their many rounds. That’s when we enjoy the little things; drinking coffee, reading a magazine, getting dressed, sunsets…

People spend a significant portion of their days as slaves to endless rules. Those rules largely govern our behavior. Maybe that’s why we like our private spaces so much where there are no expectations. From spaces where we are not subjected to constant gaze about our behavior, dress, or reactions.

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soap bubbles

When no one looks, we can reveal our true selves

We are stuck in a social universe where physical and psychological adjustment is essential. We spend most of our lives in environments where we are in the shackles of constant demands. We need to have good children, talented students, efficient workers, perfect fathers and mothers, and great friends.

moments of loneliness

According to a study by Mark Leary (University of North Carolina, USA), one of the most common pressures is the pressure we experience through perceptions received by others. In other words, we take pressure from how people actually see us.

For many, it means social anxiety, where moments of intimacy take on real meaning. Those moments are important because they eliminate the constant “being condemned”. For others, that view is not problematic, as they are able to filter things through their self-awareness and self-confidence.

They don’t need protection because they are happy with their moments. Moments when no one can see them.

The joy of self-awareness and routines

We prepare dessert while explaining to our dog why it is not possible to give it chocolate. We danced around the house with our messy hair and dressed in a different pair of underwear and socks. We paint our nails, play a video game, read erotic novels, write our initials in a cold window, admire the rain outside…

Is all this so important then? Yes. For all we do alone is ours. Just like the staircase we hid as children to create our own imaginative worlds. As adults, our minds are quickly filled with worries and fears. At times, it can be difficult to identify yourself. Therefore, it is important to create our private staircase where it becomes easier to connect with ourselves.

For the respected psychologist-author Mihaly Csikszentmihalville, those moments are an indisputable part of our personal and mental well-being. And that is why they are so necessary.

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Every act that helps us eliminate our “dead skin” and negative emotions is precious. By uniting with our present and conscience, we invest in our own happiness.

For living with fluency means transporting yourself away from negativity. You can live without the hustle and bustle, but at the same time keep in mind the awesome adventure with yourself. Moments of loneliness are important, for them they will help you rest and nourish your soul in a new way. So why not try it today?

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