Mental Gastritis: Symptoms, Causes And Treatment

Mental gastritis: symptoms, causes and treatment

Abdominal diseases tend to become winged with great discomfort, and mental gastritis is one of the worst. There are several possible causes of abdominal pain, and some of them seem to be due to purely mental problems. This is what happens when it comes to mental gastritis.

The disorder is caused by inflammation of the mucous membranes that cover the inside of the abdomen. It causes all kinds of symptoms and an uncomfortable feeling. The main difference between this and other stomach problems is that it is not caused by bacteria but by stress and anxiety.  In this article, we explore its main symptoms, as well as what causes it and how we can fight it.

What are the symptoms of mental gastritis?

Just like many other gastritis-related diseases, mental gastritis has several symptoms that are only mildly related. We should keep in mind that these symptoms may occur for a short time (in the case of acute gastritis) or continuously (in the case of chronic gastritis). Next, we examine the most common of all of these.

mental gastritis manifests as severe abdominal pain

Stomach ache

The most visible symptom of this disease is significant stomach discomfort. It can be really serious during a lot of stress. People with mental gastritis describe it as a pain similar to stomach ulcers. This is not surprising, as in both cases the source of the problem is inflammation in the gastric mucosa.

Premature feeling of satiety

People with this stomach upset repeatedly say that their appetite is remarkably low when the disease is most affected. Thus, it is common for patients to reduce the amount of food they eat each day. It can affect their well-being even more.

Feeling heavy

It is also described as the feeling that food stays in the stomach for too long and in fact this symptom is related to a poor diet.


One of the most annoying symptoms of mental gastritis is a sour feeling in the stomach. It is a burning sensation in the digestive system that can become particularly uncomfortable at times during intense stress.

Nausea and belching

When food does not digest properly, many patients also notice other problems, such as belching and constant nausea.


Unlike many diseases that affect the gastric mucosa and are caused by bacterial inflammation, mental gastritis is caused only by mental problems.  If we ignore problems such as anxiety, stress, and frustration, they can become chronic and, as a result, can produce such gastritis.

If we cure the underlying mental problems, the symptoms of the disease can only occur in isolated cases. But if we have a very anxious personality, mental gastritis can also become chronic. It becomes a problem that can only be treated from a psychological perspective.

mental gastritis and anxiety


This stomach upset arises from mental problems. It is important to combine treatments to fight it. Treatments need to focus on three variables: medication, emotion management, and dietary change.

Let us now examine each of these.

Medical assistance

Just like most stomach-related illnesses, we can reduce the symptoms of gastritis by using medication. Such drugs include Omeprazol and Melox. They protect the abdominal walls from excess acid, reducing discomfort.

Just as with mental disorders, pharmaceutical treatments should only act as a complement to other treatments.  They should not be used alone. They are good for masking symptoms, but not for treating the crux of the problem.

Emotion management

The main cause of this gastritis is stress. So the only way to improve it completely is to learn to deal with negative emotions. Therefore, various treatments from relaxation exercises to psychotherapy can be helpful.

Changes in diet

Experts have shown that some natural therapies can help in the fight against mental gastritis. Combined with two other treatments, a healthy diet can help eliminate its most disturbing symptoms.

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