Measuring Scatter In Statistics

Measurement of variance plays an important role in any data setup. These measurements go hand in hand with the measurement of key trends and show the variability of the data. 
Measuring variance in statistics

Measuring the variance in statistics is crucial because it can indicate the content of a particular sample or group of people. When it comes to samples, variance is important because it determines the margin of error we get when drawing conclusions when measuring key trends, such as means.

Measuring a key trend shows different ways of collecting data. This is a good method for inferring how different variables operate in specific samples or groups of people. The three basic things they show are median, mean, and range.

Measuring variance goes hand in hand with measuring a key trend. They are essential for reading any data as they show how variable the data is. Their important role in statistics is confirmed by Wild and Pfannkuch (1999).

According to them, our observation of data variability is one of the basic components of statistical thinking. Our way of detecting variability provides information about the variance, or spread of data, relative to the median and mean.

The average is really common in the statistics. But it is also easy to misinterpret. This is especially the case when there is a wide variance in the values ​​of the variable factor. Here, measuring the scatter comes into play (2).

There are three important components in measuring scatter that have a relationship to random variability (2):

  • An observation of how common they are in the world around us.
  • Are there any competing explanations.
  • Ability to quantify them (which means understanding the concept of dispersion and knowing how to apply it).
man and charts

For what purpose does scatter measurement exist?

Measuring the variance is important in any statistical study when trying to draw conclusions from data. This is because they play a direct role in the margin of error we work with. The greater the scatter in the sample, the more working space in this margin. 

They can also help determine if data is far from its core trend. This shows whether a key trend is a good way to present to people who have been a sample in the test. This is really useful when it comes to comparing sharing and understanding the risks of certain decisions (1).

In short,  the greater the dispersion, the less representative the key trend is. Here are the most common methods of measuring scatter:

How the methods work


The range is generally best for making first comparisons,  as it looks at only two extremes of data. Therefore, it is generally only worth doing with small specimens (1). The basic definition of a range is: the difference between the first and last data.


Mean deviation

Next is the standard deviation. This is useful because it shows where the data would be if it were at exactly the same distance from the mean (1). The deviation of a number from a variable is the difference between the absolute value and the mean of that variable. So the standard deviation is basically just the average of all the deviations (3).


Variability is a function of algebra for all values ​​and is perfect for valid statistics (1). Variability is basically the square of the deviations.

Standard deviation

The standard deviation is the most common measurement of variance for any sample obtained from the same group of people (1). It is the square root of variability (3).

Variation of the coefficient

This measurement is often used to  compare variance between data from two separate groups. For example, if we got information about the lengths and weights of school students. This could help us deduce which particular distributions appear in the highest grouping of data, for a more representative measurement.

scatter measurement: statistics

The coefficient variation is one of the most representative measurements of variance that we have dealt with, as it gives an abstract number. In other words, it is independent of the variables in our group. Usually we see the variation of the coefficient as a percentage (3).

Scatter measurements are ways to see how many variables there are in a sample. They also tell us how representative the key trend is. If the variable is low, it means that the data is relatively close to this trend and is a good description for the whole data set.

On the other hand, if  we have a high level of variables,  it means that the data has spread instead of concentrating. High variability means that the key trend is not very representative. If this is the case, we need to collect from a larger data center. Gathering more data reduces variability, which is the root cause of a wide margin of error.

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