Maternity Is Heart Giving Away

Motherhood is giving away the heart

Motherhood cannot be taught in school, it cannot be inherited, and it cannot be learned from books. You feel it, you were born with it and it manifests as a shield that protects you and gives you strength. A power you never thought you had.

When you become a parent, grandparent, aunt, or uncle, you suddenly notice how part of your self is reshaping and taking over your heart. That’s awesome. However, giving birth to a small miracle creates a bond that is the strongest and at the same time most intimate between mother and child.

Being a mother is creating a love you didn’t even know existed. And while it’s clear that almost any woman can give birth, your experience is still unique. You feel so much more alive, and you’re amazed every day at what something so small can be so awesome…

Motherhood is a worthwhile adventure

When a woman holds her child in her arms, a very special bond is created between the child and the mother. Just like whispering, a mother promises to do her best to make this child happy. He promises to protect this from all evil and to support this in making decisions every day.

Suddenly your heart has expanded, as has your ability to love. It is a very different and so powerful love that you forgive everything that others would not forgive. You will not be bothered by supervised nights or all the hours you spend caring for your sick child. You are not bothered that your child calls you when they are scared in the dark…

She will be a child only once in her life, but you will always be her mother. This is a bond that you need to accept and know what is involved; responsibility. Because motherhood or fatherhood is an adventure that is worth it.

Maternity: An invisible bond that nourishes, educates, and liberates

Mother and child

Some notice when there is “their moment”. The moment when they feel ready to be a mother because something inside them has changed or because the personal situation is right for it. Sometimes, on the other hand, motherhood comes as a surprise, which can be shocking at first. Then it is accepted and eventually it becomes the best unplanned act of life.

The mother is connected to her children by an invisible cord that cannot be severed.

Many mothers (and parents) fear failure. That they would do something wrong. Often many of us remember the mistakes of our own parents. The ones we don’t want to repeat…

A distance that made us never succeed in establishing a proper bond with our parents. Lack of recognition, uncertainty, criticism. Toughness, stiffness, distance and coldness. On the other hand, we may have had to face the consequences of overprotective upbringing, which has disrupted our personal development, our ability to make choices, and our security.

Clearly, no one has been given a guide to read how to be a good mother or father, but we should understand that we don’t need to be perfect mothers either. We should simply “be mothers”. To be present. And for this reason, we should follow the following principles.

Motherhood is fun

You take steps with him, offer him your values, and grow him into a happy and free person

Every mother hopes her child will be happy. The child needs to feel a secure affection during their first years. In this way, they can feel loved and be part of their social circle, their family.

A child who has received recognition, love, and appreciation in his or her family feels safe enough to begin exploring the world. As a mother, you provide your child with the essential values ​​that define a person: respect for oneself and other people, love, understanding, empathy, appreciation of nature, personal growth, humility…

Above all, motherhood means doing everything you can to ensure that your children continue to be free, mature adults who know how to give happiness to others.

Ties that do not condemn; ties that take care

Some mothers are surprised by their child’s personality because in some way they had hoped they were direct copies of themselves or the child’s father. In that case, they may condemn them or even complain loudly about certain things in front of others.

Children are not copies of their parents. Children are free beings with unique traits and needs that parents should understand and support. The parent should encourage and guide the child on this path toward happiness.

Motherhood also means accepting our child exactly as it is and leading the child by the hand to the best possible path. Later, we should encourage our children to be independent.

Mother with babies

It is not an easy task, but rather a lifelong project. The bond we form with our children will always be the engine that gives us strength. It’s always worth the effort as long as we do it out of sheer love.

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