Mario Benedett’s 7 Best Quotes About Love

Mario Benedett's 7 best quotes about love

Mario Benedett’s quotes about love are a gift to the heart. This Uruguayan writer and poet left behind a large-scale work, always so full of values ​​and social commitment. Many believe that no one else has encouraged people to love as much as he does, and his verses are ode to the complex universe of love.

Love is without a doubt the most universal theme in literature, and especially in poetry. Virgil said that love conquers everything, so instead of opposing it, it is in our hands to give it the appreciation it deserves, giving away, opening new paths. If there is anything Mario Benedetti himself achieved with his work, then it is a reminder of his own difficulties, the tones of his life full of obstacles, the loves that hurt and even destroy.

We cannot forget that  Mario Benedett’s bold words were equally nourished by both anxiety and hope. Despite the social problems of his country, he never forgot the romantic side of his heart, the silky soft space where love gave life, but which can also be inconsolable and nostalgic…

Immersing ourselves in Mario Benedett’s words about love is a way to navigate realistic love; a love similar to that which any of us have lived or are living in the present. Benedetti, just like William Wordsworth at the time, took a really valuable step on this subject; both brought us a powerful and lively romance, often involving the most complex problems.

two people and hearts

In his works  Biografía para encontrarme  (“Biography to find myself”),  Buzón de Tiempo  (“Mailbox of Time”),  El amor, las Mujeres y la vida   (“Love, Women and Life”), we can find many of Mario Benedett’s poems and quotes about love. We can use them for the excitement, learning, and enjoyment of those bittersweet moments we experience in almost every romantic relationship.

Now we want to mention parts of this wonderful legacy that this Uruguayan author left behind.

1. More than a touch

The deepest sensations, those that will last forever in the most personal corners of our being, are not those that are triggered by a simple skin contact. Anyone who makes us feel the most sublime feelings and sensations by their mere presence, skillful words, and gaze is a magician. This person is important enough to earn a place in our hearts.

2. Love, and its privileged place in our memories

There are pieces of our lives in our memories that have been etched there forever. They are made of magnificent material in which the most significant memories are engraved. Some things are written there with love, some with love that could have happened, but life is what it is, and certain things never materialized.

Whether we wanted it or not, there are relationships that give us short but powerful moments of happiness. Transient moments that remain in the deepest part of us for the rest of our lives. Perfume bottles that open every now and then.

love scene

3. Every moment is precious and cannot be repeated

We know that every step, every day, and every event we experience in our romantic relationships is like a gift we can enjoy. Such a thing requires care and attention.

Each shared thing is part of a ritual in which we find a unique sense of commitment in pairs. Anyone who thinks that every relationship is similar to the previous ones, or that the words “I love you” are enough to take everything for granted, is wrong.

4. Love is a project, a dream that is fed daily

This is one of Mario Benedett’s most famous love quotes. A heart that begins to follow boredom, a heart that no longer finds incentives, and that is accustomed to a neutral routine that forces commitments and kisses by force without passion, is useless, unworthy, worthless… and does not bring happiness.

5. Absolute love

Love is what it is. We give ourselves to someone else, and we have to accept each other as we are. The past is blurred to create a new present, with no answers or questions. Just a blank piece of paper where we create a new story, our story.

the couple holds hands

6. Love is for the brave

Sometimes love requires that risk and danger in order to let go  where we can set aside reservations, fears, and doubts. This quote from Mario Benedett on love encourages us to make our own decisions. Why should we explain anything to anyone? Who cares who owns our hearts?

We must be brave. We need to set ourselves free.

7. Happiness now is tomorrow just a memory

Missing someone is not a bad thing. Longing for the happiness of the past is a part of life, it means that we have benefited from life. We were able to love and someone loved us, building those memories that are now part of who we are.

It doesn’t make sense to give it up. That is, even if it hurts, even if we miss someone who is no longer with us, we still get sick of nostalgia. Let’s not be afraid to accept the past and understand that everything was worth it if it made us happy.

colorful image of a hugging couple

There are many other quotes about love from Mario Benedett, and these are just a small sample of his work. We can always return to these to enjoy the lyrics, stories, and poems of this unforgettable author.

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