Knight And The World: An Inspirational Story

The Knight and the World: An Inspirational Story

This inspiring story tells of a brave knight who got tired of living in a fantasy world. As a result, the knight decided to go into the real world where he would face new enemies. However, he had no idea he could find something that would forever change his outlook on life.

We decided to tweak this inspiring story by storyteller Pedro Pablo Sacristán a bit. The story begins in a distant kingdom where a brave knight lived. He was so brave that he saved many enchanting characters who needed his help.

He fought monsters, ferocious dragons and evil giants. He had defeated all of these, and it was for this reason that he was considered the bravest knight of all time.

But suddenly the knight got tired of these fairy tales. He knew how to beat all the fantasy creatures, and he felt like he should try something new. As a result, he decided to leave these tales and visit the real world. He wanted to find new and interesting challenges that would keep this boredom at bay.

The knight leaves for the real world

Thanks to the spells of witches that this knight knew by heart, he was able to leave the fantasy world and go to the real world. He was delighted with everything he saw. However, he understood from the beginning that there was some really powerful threat in this new world. He could see it on people’s faces, and he couldn’t wait to be able to face it either.

The people around him seemed exhausted. They walked the streets looking really serious. Everyone was in a hurry, and it was clear they were in a state of fear. No one could tolerate someone approaching them, and they looked really excited. The brave knight thought this would be a great opportunity to face the enemies of the real world, and of them he could write a wonderful chapter into this inspiring story.

knight in his actions

He searched everywhere, but found nothing that caused that fear in the people. Time passed, and he still didn’t understand what miracle those excited-looking people were really afraid of. No matter how much he searched, he couldn’t find dragons, witches, giants, or anything that could hurt these people. He was so confused that he decided to return to his fantasy world.

The wise man of this inspiring story

In this fairy tale lived an old and wise man to whom all princes and brave knights turned in need of help. In our story, the hero found a wise man meditating near a creek in an enchanted forest. Without hesitation at all, he approached a wise man so that he could tell the knight what these people were really afraid of. 

The old man seemed interested in the question of the brave knight. After a moment of reflection, however, the old man could not answer this question. The wise man asked the knight to return the next day, for he had to ponder this question further. The wise man asked that they meet the next day at the same time so that he could give the knight an answer.

The brave knight went to meet the wise man the next day. The old man told him that there were no monsters, no giants, no witches in this real world. Thus, humans had to create their own enemies themselves. The problem was that these enemies lived inside humans. These enemies were greed, envy, and lack of love. As brave as the knight was, he would not be able to defeat these enemies, for they were truly dangerous.

little girl reading a book

The brave knight returns

However, the hero of our inspiring story would not give up so easily. Despite the warnings of the old and wise man, he decided to return to the real world and face these mysterious enemies who terrorize the inhabitants of the Earth. He was ready to fight them.

The brave knight offered his noble services to all. However, people reacted to him indifferently and skeptically. It seemed that no one wanted to stop these fears. No one was interested in the change, not even if it was for the better. No one wanted the help the knight offered.

Worried about the attitude of the real world residents, the knight decided to go for a walk in the woods. He was so immersed in his thoughts that he stumbled upon a rock and fell to the ground. After falling, he heard laughter. The knight saw a child laugh at him. The knight became angry and decided to attack the child until suddenly he noticed a glorious glory in the child’s eyes.

The boy laughed so hard he didn’t seem scared at all. That’s when the knight understood something. The only way to stop people’s fears was through laughter and innocence. That was the answer for him. From that moment on, this knight traveled around the world and tried to make people laugh so they could be innocent again like that child.

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