I’ve Decided Not To Make A Bad Day Out Of A Bad Moment

I have decided not to make a bad day out of a bad moment

Today, I decided that a bad moment, a word of mouth, or some annoying criticism that hit me will only be a passing cloud in my day. A cloud that no longer spoils my whole day because bad moments are not the same thing as a bad life, and I deserve to be happy.

Maybe you’ve been through something similar too, where one bad moment seems to unite with another, until we don’t understand why, they have united into a storm of negativity. These are the stages when stress and anxiety stick to us like another skin.

A bad moment that is not treated as it should be can turn into grief, anger, or frustration. Negative emotions that are not encountered properly are like dark smoke in a chimney that needs to come out; otherwise the consequences are unpredictable.

Deep down, and if we think about it for a moment, we find that  only really few days actually come to an end without having accommodated at least one bad moment, no matter how trivial or insignificant.

Word of mouth, misunderstanding, disappointment, unexpected encounter we didn’t want, mistake, rude gesture, insult, bad news, something breaks down, something disappears, uncomfortable memory…

As we said, these are quite common. There are no doubt in this book things that have almost no significance as much as things that are a degree more serious. And both of these must be confronted with proper calm and emotional intelligence.

A bad moment does not mean a bad life 

A woman reads in a tree

Each of us experiences complex and awkward situations during our day. However, there are people who handle the bad moment of the morning a little worse than others until so much anger and indignation accumulates by the middle of the day that they eventually go to bed with a headache, thinking they really had a bad day or even have a “bad life.” Do you know such a person?

We must learn to accept that there will be both good and bad moments. If we are not prepared to accept these bad moments every day, all the good moments will run  away from us because we will be stuck in those negative feelings. So learn to let go.

It is quite likely that you will also know a person who, in the event of a dispute, is unable to end it and move on. This anger, this rage, this “ I’m right ,” this “ you ruined my day ,” and this “ I can’t stop thinking about it ” continues the endless cycle in their heads.

The constant anger and inability to deal with nasty moments to the point that a growing snowball develops from every aspect of it is a sign of a person continuing to deny reality, or at least refusing to face it.

If something bothers him,  if something unexpected happens, they always react externally with anger, raising their weight and gestures. People who make a bad day out of bad moments always live on a defensive stance, in relation to the world as their personal enemy.

The world is not our enemy. There are people who get angry about what they don’t understand and what they can’t control: for example, a dispute with their own partner is a perfectly normal and normal phenomenon, but there are people who don’t have the right kind of action plans and who see every word as an insult. They are unable to empathize, to understand another person’s view.

Life offers us bad moments almost every day and instead of reacting to thoughts like “all annoyance always happens to me,” it is better to understand as early as possible how to resolve a conflict situation and accept it… And allow the day to be yours again.

Happy cloud

When you stop worrying, you start enjoying life

This is easy to say, but… How do we do it? How can I stop worrying about things just like that? By succeeding in maintaining the right balance in your life and prioritizing what really matters: your own well-being.

Everything can change in an instant at any time; it is essential that you wear a good attitude, fill your heart with hope, and that you do not allow yourself to become bitter so that you can truly enjoy these moments.

You have to allow yourself to be happy and for that reason you should keep in mind how we should deal with the bad moments that come with every day.

  • Understand that nasty things happen, that mistakes can be solved, that criticism doesn’t define you, that people who make you unhappy don’t deserve your attention let alone a tear more on your face.
  • Make all negative emotions inoperable, first by understanding them and then channeling them. The dispute does not end by raising your voice; maybe you need to leave it next time, detach and clear your head in complete peace.
  • That everyday bad moment can be followed by a great day if you allow it to happen. Say a steep “no” to familiar recurring negative thoughts, control your intermittent thoughts of Tulikivi and Sulfur,  those who make us believe our own lives are really bad. Avoid all that noise inside your head that brings with it such severe consequences.
  • Break away from negative gossip; take a moment for yourself and overcome your own negative thoughts with new hope, new short-term projects.

A moment dedicated to reflection, peace, and self-care is an investment in our own future.

Calm woman and fish

Photos handed over by Moon Jong Hyeok

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