Is There Eternal Love?

Does eternal love exist?

An older man reads a book to an old woman. The book is about love between a couple who got to know each other in the 1940s: Allie and Noah. They fell in love, but the woman’s parents were against the relationship because the boy did not have significant financial resources.

Life separated them, but they never forgot each other until one day they found each other again and built a life together. Those young people in the story are actually two old people. Every day, a man reads a story of their love for his wife, who has lost her memory, to remind her of a love they will never forget.

This is the story told by The Notebook – The Pages of Love , one of the most romantic and moving movies to be released in recent years. When we see something like this we wonder if we can have such an intense, sincere and lasting relationship in a world where relationships start very quickly and disappear in a few days, months or years.

It seems like everything is too superficial; it leaves us empty. Where do we find the time we need to get to know another person properly? Why are we so afraid to show our own souls? Relationships may or may not be eternal, but we don’t even give ourselves time or we don’t have the courage to figure it out.

couple and eternal love

Studies of eternal love

Harvard University published a study that concluded that  eternal love exists and there is only one secret to it: that it feels genuine empathy for another person. According to therapist Charlotte Pasquier, “for a couple to work, two people have to walk in the same direction, but they don’t necessarily have to agree on every thing or want the same things. They just have to be aware of the other person’s wishes. ”

According to this study, the secret to lasting love is empathy for another person. It means that both people mentally and mentally recognize the other person’s mood. Eternal love is about understanding without judgment.

A group of neurochemists from Stony Brook University in New York managed to find evidence that eternal love is possible. The researchers measured the brain reactions of a group of volunteers who had just entered into a romantic relationship.

They found that  when we see a picture of a person we are in love with, the ventral masking area of ​​the midbrain reacts . This area of ​​the brain is reserved for dopamine processing, a brain neurotransmitter that is responsible for initiating desire.

brain chemistry

If the picture was shown to another person, and even if it looked like their loved one or some old friend with whom they have not had a romantic relationship, the brain remained unchanged. Later, married people (10 women and 7 men) were analyzed who said they still had romantic feelings for their own partner for several years (roughly 20).

Their brain responses were measured in the same way and rated on a 7-point scale to analyze the intensity of the volunteers ’love for their partner. Well, the minimum intensity recorded in this group was five points.

The reactions of people in this group were recorded in the same area of ​​the brain as in another group of “newly in love”: the ventral occlusion area and the cerebellum. However, there were also differences in these. When the effects were seen in the volunteer areas of the first group, which are responsible for obsessive and nervous tension, in the second group, the affected areas were responsible for friendship and motherhood.

What makes love last?

Of course, there is no magic to making love last, but if we want a relationship to be lasting we need to see considerable effort every day. Below  we show you some of the keys that are necessary for a relationship to be intact and to last.


The most enduring of all relationships are those who share similar values, principles, and perhaps even hobbies. It is not necessary that you are similar to your partner, but you should have equal things  that you can share and enjoy together. It is recommended that there is even a little intimacy that you share with your partner.

Sense of humor

It is very important to learn to see situations with humor and get rid of drama in certain situations. Conflicts in a relationship can take a more relaxed form if we use humor that  always involves respect for the other.

Mutual admiration

Admiration and the ability to learn things from another person is one thing that unites us. It is very positive to express that admiration in different ways and let the other person know and that they share this information as well.

Demonstrations of affection

Don’t expect the other person to know that you want affection. Show it every day, even if it’s just in small details,  like making him coffee in the morning, giving him flowers, or leaving cute messages. This is about taking care of our relationship and the love we feel for our spouse.

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