I’m Responsible For What I Say, Not What You Understand

I am responsible for what I say, not what you understand

Man naturally wants to be in interactions with other people. In this way we can understand other people, but it is also possible that we will be misunderstood or misunderstood.

The interpretation of things depends on the person. Sometimes it can lead to anger, quarrels, or mental differences.

Rubik's cubes

The longest journey between two people is a misunderstanding

Sometimes others don’t understand us, even if we explain it a thousand times. The fact that they don’t understand doesn’t make them bad, stupid, or inferior people. They are just other people who understand things differently than we do ourselves.

It is natural to seek acceptance for our feelings, opinions, and beliefs, but these spiritual needs should not be too great and, of course, should not interfere with our purpose, our understanding.

We should keep in mind that when we communicate, we should pay attention to pride, life situations, fatigue, lack of confidence, expectations, and all kinds of feelings, beliefs, and thoughts that are either situational or fundamental.

Assembling this puzzle in the right way can be tricky. In fact, the most difficult thing is to maintain respect for yourself and others. So be firm and respectful when trying to correct mistakes.

Space hair understanding

We must be responsible for what we say, but we must not take responsibility for what others understand

The possibility of anger and misunderstandings increases as more emotions are associated with communication between two people. The closer we are to another, the more important it is for us to make ourselves understood.

The other person also masters his or her words based on our relationship, expectations, interests, and personal situation.

However, we should not feel resentment about misunderstandings

A real woman

Sometimes, for whatever reason, a person is more sensitive to our comments, words, or deeds than normal, and that can be all that is required. This jeopardizes the balance of all communication.

Countless factors can affect this. It is impossible to control everything, among other reasons, because we are inherently variable and volatile, and because of that, our interpretations also vary.

Whatever happens in a conversation or human relationship, we should be responsible for analyzing what things we can improve and what we have done well.

The woman turns her head

If we find ourselves in the middle of malicious behavior or nasty comments, the only thing we can do is state our opinions as clearly as we can. Benevolent, considerate, and calm behavior is the best way to have a good conversation.

We are responsible for what we say and how we say it, but interpretations do not arise from what we say, but rather from another person’s feelings, opinions, beliefs, and other factors.

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