I’m Grateful For Scarcity Because It Brought Abundance

I am grateful for scarcity, for it brought abundance

I was like an insect stuck in an amber. There was emptiness in my heart, which was quite dry. You feed me with crumbs, with love made of seiths, in a house without furniture and plants.

In the end, however, I am grateful for the scarcity, because it made me realize the real abundance. My strength, fullness…

From an emotional and even spiritual point of view, abundance can be defined as a state of grace that reminds us that we already have everything, or at least most of what we want and need.

It’s as if we’re vibrating at a perfect frequency where our feelings are in tune with our thoughts.

Scarcity versus abundance

Poverty or scarcity are unfortunately common states of our existence. They are spaces where sustainability is created and where we do not have the kind of mental or emotional openness we need to bring about positive and rewarding change.

Similarly, “poor” people who do not have this inner, fulfilling harmony are generally prone to reflecting their mental poverty on the people around them.

You may well have such experiences at some point in your life. Living with such individuals (be it your partner, relative or even the boss) creates an atmosphere of absolute scarcity.

Almost unconsciously, we are all trapped in amber, without any nutrients or notion of a decent staple food…

abundant flowers

The dynamics of scarcity, a very common state

If we were to ask now what kind of lifestyle brings abundance, the answer could not be simpler: spiritual generosity.

However, nothing is more difficult to put into practice. Nowhere are there more nuances or dark corners than in the concept of “generosity”.

Reason? We are used to thinking only of our shortcomings and when we feel “something is missing” it is very difficult to “offer something” to others.

Now, when we talk about spiritual generosity, we are not just talking about how we should open ourselves to others, comfort, carry the burden, and give others happiness. We also talk about how we should be “generous” to ourselves.

Many of us have drifted into a strange, reactionary, and unhealthy stratum of our conscience, where we think only of all that we still lack. I don’t feel valued; i don’t feel as loved as i deserve; they do not value me in my work; i feel lonely and misunderstood .

If we expand those cavities, we are planting the seeds of frustration, depression, and resentment at the same time. So in the end, we just end up blocking the law of abundance altogether.

The law of abundance in romantic relationships

There are times in our relationships when we feel complete. As William Blake said, we see the universe in grains of sand, the wild flowers of heaven, and infinity in the palms of our hands.

This is undoubtedly abundance. It is the perfect balance in which your and my feelings, dreams, values ​​and rhythms create the most beautiful poetry, our poetry.

It’s not easy to get to the ideal state, it’s true. Because if something can break the abundance in a human relationship, it is guaranteed to be a mental imbalance. Especially the lack of generosity, both with ourselves and our partner.

Admittedly, sometimes we throw ourselves into the hands of someone who is not right for us. We do it with a hungry heart, eyes closed, longing for love, but at the same time forgetting to love ourselves.

We cease to be generous with ourselves so that we can feed another. But at the same time, we are drifting into the cycle of poverty, the prison cell of scarcity. We believe the crumbs are enough for us. Better than nothing, you know…

We settle for so little that we even forget everything we wanted before. Above all, we forget that love is abundance at its best. We forget that those who love us enrich us, and those who love themselves take care of themselves.

couple on a flower bed

So let us remember that we have a responsibility and a privilege to create the factors of our own happiness and that things come from within us.

For abundance is not just a feeling that encourages us to help ourselves, to feel full, balanced, and to love ourselves in a  way that grows us instead of pain.

All images in the article belong to: Sonia Koch

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