If We Know What We Should Do, Why Don’t We Do It?

If we know what we should do, why don’t we do it?

You are paralyzed, and you look at yourself in this state. Nonetheless, deep down, you know exactly what you should do to lift your mood, and most importantly, how to make your heart happy. You know quite well that it’s in your hands, you know you can take a step forward, but you don’t. Internally, you have what it takes to change, but something in you denies that. Why is this happening?

– Leonardo Boff –

Fear tends to be to blame for all the most negative situations we find ourselves in. Overcoming fear produces great joy. It may be that things are clearer than your own perspective on them. It is also likely that you will know the answer to the next big step in your life. Still, fear and panic keep you still.

How do I feel?

The answer to this question is quite complicated, as it requires patience and caring for oneself. And when you try to answer that question, it forces you to be honest and speak openly to yourself. This requires mental work on your part.

blowing stars

In your current situation, you will feel uncomfortable, unable to concentrate, clumsy in your own daily life. It’s like you know you’re not in the right place, but you’re unable to move. Therefore, the discomfort spreads to all your emotions and your mood changes.

The key: rational knowledge and emotional knowledge

We all have two ways of reasoning that we use when making decisions. One is more instinctive and rational, the other more emotional and impulsive. The former is related to controlling situations and seeking safety. Therefore, it is very useful when there is a situation ahead that requires cold action. The latter is related to emotions.

The two are interrelated, despite the fact that as human beings we subconsciously lean more to either side. For example, some people are more empathetic than others. If you find that you know rationally what you should do, but on an emotional level you don’t know why you don’t do it, it may be that you are actually being moved by the emotional side of yourself.

Rearrange your motivation

Reason is not necessarily the motivator of conflict. Instead, it would be good if emotion guided it. If you have to do something, first you have to feel that you don’t want to do it. Let’s say, say, that you’re aware that you’ve started losing weight because your health is going in the wrong direction. However, you will never stick to your plan. The problem is because of the emotional you don’t want to lose weight. Therefore, your willpower cannot last.

umbrellas are flying

Rearrange your motivation and listen carefully to where you really want to go. Not where you should go, because sometimes reason doesn’t give us a chance at happiness. Give yourself enough time to find the path your heart has chosen, and fight your fears and traumas if they block you on your path. You can end up on top and this fight is worth it. Only then will you know that what you do matches what you really want.

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